Vince Neil #12 | Badass.

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Vince sat beside the boys who were talking about random stuff in the diner.
From the corner of his eye he saw a girl, he turned his head and saw her plugging in a guitar.

"Oi," he said, they turned and looked over. "I wonder what she's gonna play," Mick said, "Imagine if she can't play," Tommy said making them all laugh.

That thought was interrupted when they heard fast playing and tapping.
Vince snapped his neck to look over at her. He stared at her in shock, she looked up and smirked, winking and blowing a kiss, "Aye!" Tommy laughed and rubbed his shoulder.

He chuckled and winked back as she continued playing her song.
A few people stopped to watch her while others simply didn't care for music.

"This sounds awesome," Vince said as she tapped a few times before grabbing the whammy bar and making the guitar squeal.

(Bro I sound like idk anything about guitar but it's hard to explain like this-).

"She's badass man," Nikki said, "Hey, I dibs her," Vince said making them chuckle, "All yours man," Nikki said putting his hands up.

Someone walked up to her and asked her something, Vince saw her roll her eyes, he chuckled and she got a capo.

Playing wonder wall making them all laugh.
"Really? I just played that for you and you request wonder wall? What the fuck bro?" She giggled into the mic making them laugh.

"You're so lucky I'm sitting down, or I would've shoulder checked you," she grinned, "Round of applause to my brother for making me play that," she said making them chuckle as everyone clapped, making her brother laugh.

"Seriously, what is wrong with you? You're related to me, you little shit," she said making everyone laugh.

"Catch," she said chucking the capo at her brother, "Free wonder wall for you," she said and went back to tapping.

"PLAY SLAYER!" Someone screamed, she raised her brows, "Alright, don't deafen me!" She whisper screamed making them chuckle as they watched her.

She played Raining Blood making them cheer.
She shook her head, looking back at Vince who smirked.

"This is so awkward, I'm just sitting up here, I didn't expect an audience... This is just my practice routine," she laughed making them chuckle.

"Biggest audience I've had is all my teddy bears, I have a whole collection," she nodded, "YEAH SOMEONE FUCK MY SISTER WITH A TEDDY BEAR!" Her brother yelled.

"What the fuck?" She laughed making everyone laugh along.
"Someone... Fucked and they created my brother and I... Can you believe he's older then me?" She chuckled, "Unbelievable..." Mick chuckled.

"I bet our mother is just like... 'Yep... Where did I go wrong?'," she shrugged making them chuckle.

"Don't be afraid to pull on your stick guys," she smirked making her brother laugh obnoxiously, "Excuse him, he's had a few too many, in my family it's all Lightweights so we get drunk soooo easy," she said shaking her head.

"SHOW US YOUR TITS!" Someone yelled, "Get your ass up here and show everyone your dick, go on, unless yours is too small and you're scared of course," she said making Vince chuckle.

"I volunteer to knock him out!" He called through cupped hands, "WOOH! MY PERSONAL BODY GUARD! ANOTHER MUSICIAN! ROCK ON!" She yelled and threw her hands in the air making the four laugh.

Most people had left while she was just practicing random stuff.
Vince walked up and stood in front of her.
"May I help you?" She smiled, using her hand over her brows so the light wouldn't blind her.

"Yes actually.." He smiled, "I wanted to know what you were doing here?" He chuckled and cupped her cheeks in his hands making her giggle.

"I come here to practice sometimes, sometimes I get hit on like you saw back there," she said, "Well you are beautiful," he said.

"Thanks, you want a kiss for that compliment, or do they come free?" She smiled, "Free, but a kiss would be nice," he winked making her giggle.

She stood up and kissed his cheek, "That good?" She asked, "Your brother is out..." He said, she looked and he was passed out in his chair.

"God damn it, I'm not strong enough to carry him, he's skinny but so heavy!" She whined and headbutt his chest making him chuckle.

"The boys will help," he said, "Oi ballsacks!" He said into the mic making her laugh, "Come here and help us," he said, they groaned and got up.

They all picked him up and took him to her car.
"Thanks," she giggled, putting her guitar in the back and tucking the amp gently at the place the feet go.

"All good shortie," Vince said patting her head. "You're just so proud of being taller then me aren't you?" She asked, "Very," he smirked, "You're a little bitch," she smirked making him snicker.

"Ew, I'm going before you guys suck face," Mick said walking to his car making her laugh.
"YOU'RE FANTASTIC! LOVE THE ENERGY!" She called after him, receiving not one, but two middle fingers from over the shoulder making her giggle.

"What about you two giants?" She asked looking up at Tommy and Nikki, "We got a date with destiny," Nikki said, "Ooh, a threesome," she smirked making them laugh, "No, you're disgusting," Tommy chuckled making her giggle.

"I'm fantastic," she told them, "Yeah, totally..." Vince smirked, "Asshole, I gave you a kiss, you should be grateful," she said, "Ooh," Nikki said.

"Suck dick," Vince said, "I know you do," she cackled, she snorted like a pig as she grabbed his hands and laughed her heart out.

"That was so good!" She giggled as he rolled his eyes. "She's so weird..." He told them, "You suck dick..." She wheezed and squeezed his hands making him chuckle.

"You boys go home, I think she's flipped it," Vince chuckled, they waved and went off.

"You're absolutely amazing," she giggled and he sighed, "Calm down darling," he chuckled.
"Mm... You suck dick," she cackled, he groaned, kissing her softly, "Now shut up," he smiled, "Heyyy, unconsensual, that's mouth rape, hey... That sounds way worse," she said making him laugh, he picked her up and put her in the car.

"Drive safely you dork," he smiled, "I will, you too, I'd hate for my favourite singer to die young," she smiled, he knelt down to the window and kissed her cheek.

"Call me," he said writing his number down.
"I will, will I hear any gagging?" She asked, "Wha?" He asked, "Cause you suck dick!" She wheezed making him groan, "Go home you dirty girl!" He chuckled making her giggle.

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