Nikki Sixx #28 | Baby girl.

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Alone she sat, staring at a wall as the boys talked about booze.
Then sex came out in the sentence.
She mentally cringed, the mention of sex was not what she needed after having her first baby a few months ago, who was now being baby sitted by her sister.

"Hey, Y/N," Tommy called, she hummed, "What's with you?" He asked, "Do you have to talk about sex all the time?" She chuckled.

"Yes," Vince said, she rolled her eyes, Mick was just chilling, drinking his vodka.

"Why is it a problem?" Tommy asked, "I just had a baby a few months ago," she said.

"You did?!" Nikki asked shocked, all of them were shocked, even Mick.

It had been about two years since they saw last because of their tours.
"Yeah," she giggled, "What...?" Vince gasped.

"I know shocking," she chuckled, "What was it?" Tommy asked, "A baby girl, her name is Myla," she smiled.

"Myla, that's a cute name," Vince smiled.
"Yeah, it's just me, my sister is baby sitting right now," she said.

"Wait... You and Blake broke up?" Mick frowned, "Yeah, he cheated while I was prego," she explained.

"Fuck, that's messed up," he sighed, "Yeah, but I'm fine with it, I was at first being really scared as she's my first but it's not as difficult as I thought, she's really chill," she chuckled.

"Can we see her tomorrow? Please?" Tommy begged, the three begged, "Okay okay, I'll take her in tomorrow, no smoking around her though," She warned, "Deal," Tommy said, "Yeah duh," Nikki said, Vince just nodded.

So the next day, she rocked her little one as she walked into the studio.
Tommy gasped and they all turned to look.

"I wanna see!" Tommy begged, she chuckled and walked over, letting them see the little one who was wearing a small beanie and fast asleep.

"Aww..." Vince cooed, gently rubbing her soft cheek, she woke up making him gasp, she had beautiful eyes.

She looked up at him and blinked slowly, "She always does that when she wakes up," he chuckled, "Aww, she's precious," Tommy said softly, she giggled and Mick moved over, "Myla..." He hummed and poked her little nose, she sneezed making him chuckle, "Ooh, sneezies!" She gasped, Myla giggled making her giggle along.

They had a fit of giggles, Nikki smiled, cute...

She untucked her little one from the blanket and supported her neck as she held her to her chest, hugging her close and patting her back.

"She's so cute..." Tommy cooed.
"I know she is! She's my cutie patootie!" She smiled and kissed Myla on the forehead.

"Uhh," Myla hummed and patted her mother's cheek making her giggle, "Mwah," she smiled and kissed her cheek, "Uhh!" She squealed and giggled.

"Aww, can I hold her?" Vince asked, "Of course you can," she smiled and passed her over.

He smiled down at her, looking into her eyes and rubbing her cheek lightly.
"You're so cute," Vince said in awe, "Uhh," she hummed and babbled.

"Baby babbles..." Tommy said in awe making Y/N chuckle.
When Tommy got to hold her, he squealed in awe, "Hi, my name is Tommy," he smiled, god he was so cute with kids.

"Nice to meet you Myla," he smiled and shook her little hand gently, "Uhh," she smiled making him chuckle.

Mick was a pro, rocking her in his arms, he is of course a father.
He smiled as she giggled and stuck her tongue out, making the raspberry sound, he did it back making her laugh.

She handed him to Nikki who looked at her in awe, she was so cute...
Nikki smiled and played with the short fluffy hair she had grown.

She just stared up at him in confusion and awe.
"What?" He chuckled, "B-buuhh, buubba," she hummed and bit her lip, "Aww, that's so cute!" Tommy squealed making him chuckle softly.

Cute indeed, just like her mother.

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