Vince Neil #46 | Smokin' in the boys room II.

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"You do lurk in girls rooms though, that's pretty weird," she pointed out, "Yeah yeah, shut up..." Vince grumbled making her chuckle.

"Make yourselves comfy," she said and sat down on her bed, Tommy sat on the floor with Nikki, Vince sat at the foot of her bed and Mick claimed the armchair in the corner of her room.

"So... My question is how the fuck did you get into the mirror?" She frowned.

"Magic..." Nikki said and waved jazz hands around.





"Okay than," she hummed and let Vince play with her hair, he was brushing it with the brush he found on her night table and grabbed a hair tie from his wrist, "No? Don't ask? Okay," she said as he was so focused he didn't answer.

"So do you guys smoke in the boys room or just the girls room?" She asked, "The boys room too of course, just the girls room if we're hoping to get laid," Tommy said, "Hope you weren't intending to get laid when you went to the girls bathroom today," she chuckled and they laughed along.

"Nope, Vince has claimed you," Nikki said, "Claimed me? What am I a toy?!" She frowned making them snicker meanwhile Vince rolled his eyes, "They're just... Them..." Vince said making her giggle.

"Yeah I gathered," she smiled and toyed with his hair. "Holy shit... A rock star... Letting me play with his hair?" She gasped and looked at her hand, "SHOCK HORROR!" She yelled making him roll his eyes, "Yeah yeah," he said, "Oi Tommy, is your singer high?" She asked, "Nah man, looks pretty sober to me," Tommy said, she giggled and squealed as Vince pulled her closer, "Hey!" She laughed as he gently punched her arm.

"That's abuse!" She smiled and got him back, giggling as they tackled, "Ew, love birds!" Nikki booed, "Ew, bassist!" She yelled and laughed as he threw his cigarettes at her.

"Mine now," she said, "Aye! Those were expensive!" He yelled making her laugh as she threw them over.

"Smokings bad for you," she said, "Nah, really?" Tommy asked in a retarded voice, "I know you're a drummer and you're stupid but..." She shrugged, giggling as he flipped her off.

"Vince... He's being aggressive again..." She whispered, "Tommy, stop being an angry bulldog," Vince said, laughing as Tommy jumped up and pinned him, shaking his shoulders while he was laughing.

"Roof!" Tommy barked and shook him silly making her laugh along, "You boys really are special in the head," She giggled making them laugh.

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