Nikki Sixx #48 | Baby Daddy.

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He seemed to really want a son, like really really badly, but soon as he cradled his baby girl in his arms, he fell in love all over and gave her the world.

Some mornings you'd wake up and see him with the baby, the baby would be laying on the bed and he'd crawl over and baby talk her, you'd always smile and call him soft and he'd simply stick his tongue out.

The little girl squealed and giggled in his arms, smiling widely as he rocked her and held her close, kissing her forehead and giving her the world, including all the cuddles and kissed he could ever give.

"I love you..." He said softly and kissed her cheek, she giggled and looked into his eyes, she babbled making him smile as he cuddled her close.

"You're so soft," you smiled, chuckling as he rolled his eyes.

Years passed and he'd laugh as his daughter would run around his feet and try to get him dizzy, giggling happily by his legs and jumping up to cling to his thigh.

"Come on pumpkin," he chuckled, limping slightly as his daughter was clung to his leg, he sat with her and cuddled her close, giving her kisses and cuddles while she sat there in his arms and giggled, being happy he's home.

"Daddy, daddy me love you!" She giggled, "I love you too," he smiled and kissed her forehead, "Mine!" She smiled, "Mine!" He grinned.

Well... This isn't very intimidating of the great terror twin... He simply smiled up at you and held you both close.

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