Nikki Sixx #10 | Makeup.

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You had been hired to do makeup for Motley Crue.
You were quick to agree, as you got there they were totally chill.
Well, of course there was cat calling and whistling.

"How long have you been doing makeup?" Nikki asked as you finally got to do his makeup. "For a profession?" You smiled, "Mhm," he smiled, "Not long, only about five years," you said and he opened his mouth at a bad time, fake gagging as you accidentally got his tongue with the sponge.

You laughed while he chuckled and got a tissue, wiping his tongue, "Evil," he smirked making you smile widely.

"You've got a pretty smile."

"Nikki stop flirting with the makeup artist."

"Shut up Mick."

You snickered and held his jaw as you did his eyeshadow.
"I'm so hot," he said and bit his lip making you giggle, "Yeah, of course..." You smiled, he wiggled his brows making you laugh.

"You're a twit," you smiled making him chuckle. "You're so small," he said as you stood up, "Oh shut up," you smiled making him chuckle.

"There, what a handsome spikey spike," you smiled making him chuckle as he stood up. "Hello, woah you're small..." He said looking down, "You bastard," you giggled making them laugh.

You went to the set and they filmed some stuff.
A lot of breaks and Nikki walked over, hot and sweaty.
"I'm so hot," he panted, "I didn't get the memo," you grinned, he rolled his eyes making you giggle as you put some powder on his face.
"You're so small," he sighed, "You're so tall," you chuckled.

He snickered and picked you up making you squeak.
"Help!" You laughed as you were being spun around.
"Ooh... Go Nikki!" Tommy cheered, "Well..." Vince said, Mick just rolled his eyes.

He kissed your cheek to make a red mark of lipstick appear, "Oh that looks good, hang on," he said and kissed your other cheek, "And..." He hummed and kissed your forehead.

"Bam! You're welcome," he bowed making you giggle.
"Thank you," you bowed making him chuckle.

They went back on and you giggled at the bloopers.
"Fuckin fuck!" Vince said as he dropped his torch.
You were laughing so hard everyone on set was laughing.

You snorted like a pig, "Oops," you giggled making them laugh.
"Oink," Tommy laughed making you snicker.

"Fuck!" Tommy said as he burnt himself, "Lots of fucking going on," The camera man said, "Is that why you're the camera man," you smirked and sent a wink, "Oh be quiet!" He snapped making you laugh with the four boys.

"You're my favourite, you have to be our perminant make up artist, okay?" Nikki asked, you nodded and giggled.
"I'll try," you smiled, "No one can kick you out, we're the hot ones," Vince said making you laugh.

"You boys are dorks," you said, "Blegh," Mick said.

They finally had it all recorded, you were in the changing rooms with them hanging out, you ran for dear life as Tommy chased you with a towel.

"OH MY SWEET BABY JESUS!" You screeched and hid behind Mick who sighed.
"Weirdo..." He said, Tommy towered over Mick, all Mick did was roll his eyes and walk off.

"Ow!" You yelled as he got you, he laughed.
"Nikki!" You huffed as you walked over to him, "What?" He asked putting on a shirt, "Tommy hurt me," you pouted.

"He did huh?" Nikki asked, you nodded, he ruffled your hair up before walking away.

"OW!" You heard as you heard a loud thwack.
"You're welcome," Nikki smiled, "What'd you do?" You asked curiously, "Got him back for you," he grinned.

"Wanna be my bodyguard?" You giggled making him chuckle, "Sure, only if every hour I get a kiss," he said, "Where?" You asked, he knelt down and pouted, you rolled your eyes and pecked his lips, "There you go," you said, "Haha, I get the makeup girl," he snickered and lifted you over his shoulder.

"Woah! Nikki!" You squealed and he carried you all the way down to get some ice cream, grabbing two while you giggled.
"Hi boys!" You waved making them laugh, "God damn your shoulders are bony," you said, "Boner," Tommy said, "You have a boner on your forehead, ya dickhead," you said making them cackle.

Nikki let you down and gave you ice cream.
You laughed at something they said and the ice cream came out your nose making them laugh hysterically.

"You're our favourite makeup girl, by far," Nikki said, "You guys are my favourite band by far," you said.

"Aww, we are?" Nikki pouted, resting his chin on your knee, you giggled and nodded, putting your ice cream on his nose making him giggle with you.

"Ooh, lovey dovey," Tommy said, "Go suck my ass," Nikki said, he waved his ass at Tommy, you put your finger to your lips at Vince who smirked.

You got up slowly and slapped his ass before running for it.
"No! I REFUSE!" You screamed as you heard him running after you, you were cornered, you giggled and cowered in the corner as he put on the breaks.
"Little shit," he smirked and kissed you once more, "You're a shit," he said picking you up.

"This is just a thing now," you said as you were being carried, they chuckled and you dramatically fainted making Nikki chuckle.

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