Nikki Sixx #3 | Little one.

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-ik I'm writing about babies a lot but I just think it's kinda cute? I'll do a one shot thing with all of them later-

You smiled as you rocked your little boy in your arms, Nikki just looked in awe, his messy hair covered in sweat from nerves.

You were also sweaty, well, less because Nikki had been pampering you for the past few hours since birth.

After you gave birth he was trying to calm your breath, patting your head gently and whispering words of praise.

"You did so well honey," he murmured as he leaned over to kiss your forehead.
"Who do you want to see first?" He smiled.

"Mick last," you smiled, he nodded and called in Tommy.

He came in and looked in awe at the little guy.
"Mick's gonna love it," he chuckled and gently poked the little guys cheek as you chuckled softly.

Your voice was hoarse from screaming in agony just a few hours ago. It was 6.01 am when you gave birth so you were overwhelmed in tiredness and pain.

When Vince came in he smiled at the little boy and waved, "I'm your favourite uncle!" Vince smiled and kissed his forehead making you two chuckle.

He waved as he went to get Mick.

"Come on... They know the name, why not me?" Mick pouted.

"Come here," you smiled and waved him over, he's a father so he already knows how to hold babies.

He held the little one gently.

"Meet Robert Micky Sixx," you beamed.

"M... Me?!" He gasped and looked at you two in shock.
"Yeah man, you've been my favourite guitarist ever since I met you... I thought..." Nikki said and gave a small shrug.

He gently put the baby in the crib and hugged him tightly making him chuckle as Nikki patted his back.

"Aww..." He chuckled and wiped his eyes.
"This is the nicest thing I think anyone's ever done... Even better then giving me chocolate," he chuckled and turned to hug you making you giggle.

"You're the best guitarist, you deserve it man," you smiled, "Oh shush," he grinned and held your hand and gently patted it.

"This is amazing..." He said in awe as he looked at the little boy who woke up.
His eyes roamed around as he wiggled.

He looked at Mick and then Nikki, making a shocked face.

"I'm daddy!" Nikki smiled, "This is Mick, your uncle," Nikki said as he picked him up and stood by Mick who chuckled, waving at the little boy who tried mocking the movement.


As he was now four years old. Robert ran around laughing as Nikki chased him.
"Come here!" Nikki roared and giggled with the little one who laughed as his dad chased him around.

You giggled and Mick walked in.
"Uncie!" Robert cheered and ran to hug him.

"Hey mini me!" Mick cheered and knelt down, high fiving him and chuckling as Nikki swooped him up.

"Roar!" Nikki said and ran around with him in his arms making him giggle.

"Daddy let me go!" He laughed, "Since you asked so nicely..." He hummed and let him go.

He ran to you and giggled, "Hey mummy?" He asked, "What will it be this time hmm?" YYou smiled, "Can I have cookie? Please?" He pleaded, "Yes honey," you chuckled and got one for him.

He cheered and ate it making you chuckle.

"He's a mini you alright, you sure you didn't bang my wife?" Nikki asked Mick who laughed along side you guys.

"No, no offence to either of you, but just no," he chuckled shaking his head making you chuckle.
"Yeah, I prefer the dumbasses," you told Mick who laughed.

"Hey!" Nikki said pouting making you giggle.

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