Vince Neil #44 | Smokin' in the boys room!

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"Go on man," Tommy smiled, pushing at Vince, the singer simply shrugged and poked his head out of the mirror.

"Do you ever seem to have one of those days
Where everyone's on your case
From your teachers all the way down
To your best girlfriend?"

He gave some poor girl a heart attack, she jumped for dear life and looked at him in shock. "How the fuck?" She asked, "Well shit... It's the girls bathroom..." Vince sighed, face palming before looking at the girl.

"How the hell did you get in there?" She frowned, "Don't worry about it, girl," he smiled, "Tell me about yourself~" he grinned, she only looked at him for a second, seeing three other musicians so she shook her head slightly.

"I don't think I will..." She said, "Aww, come on?" He groaned childishly, resting his head against the mirror and looking up at her.

"How old are you guys?" She frowned, looking in at all of them, "A lot older than you think~" Vince smirked.

"Uh huh..." She hummed, "What's the hush all about? Come on, it'll be fine~" he hushed, holding his hand out for her, "You never know, I could be plotting to kill you once I get in," she said, "Ah shut up," he said and dragged her in making her squeak.

She looked back to see tv static.
She turned to Vince who merely smirked, "Come on doll, tell us more about yourself," he said, trying to coax her into talking.

She only sighed and looked at him, knowing he wouldn't give up.
"Well, I'm 23," she said, "I'm 24," Vince said, "Old man, and-" she was cut off by Vince frowning childishly, she giggled slightly and he flipped her off.

"You're still older than me..." She said, "Yeah Vince!" Tommy barked, "Oh shut up," Vince sighed, regretting bringing this girl of all girls.

The sound of metal got their attention, as if it was a door being closed.
"Oh no no no no! We're trapped in here! Shit!" She gasped as she got out of the mirror and to the door, shaking the metal bars, it was like a jail cell.

She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned, jumping when she saw Tommy and the others behind her.

"We're fuckin trapped... Shit," she sighed, "In the girls room too," Mick said and took a smoke of his cigarette, "No smoking in the girls room," she said, "That's the-" Nikki paused when he saw her smirk, "Ohh~ play on words!" He said making her chuckle.

"Alright, someone give me a boost to that window," she sighed, Tommy knelt down and she sat on his shoulders, pulling with all her might at the window latch.

"It's either jammed, broken on the outside or locked," she sighed, "Smash it in!" Nikki called, Tommy got her off his shoulders and searched around for something, before grabbing Nikki's bass and smashing it into the window, breaking it into tiny pieces.

"You fucker," Nikki sighed, though he couldn't stop chuckling as he looked at the mess.
"Ah, it's fine!" Tommy shrugged and helped her up, pushing her through the window and she army crawled out, giving Vince a hand as he was next up.

"Come on Mick," Nikki said as Mick didn't trust them to lift him, "Hell no, I'd rather rot here," he said, "Mick, come on," She sighed, "I'll smash your guitar," she warned, he frowned and glared evilly at her before sighing and letting Tommy lift him, he crawled out of the window and watched the other two jump through.

"That's my workout done..." Nikki sighed as he rested his legs against the wall, "Old man," She smirked, helping them up and walking down town.

"Where ya going?" Nikki called as he ran after her, she shrugged, "Somewhere..." She smiled, "Yeah, where though?" Tommy asked, "My university, to pick up my bags, that alright with you?" She asked and they continued following her.

"Help, strange men following me!" She jokingly called, giggling as Vince scoffed and hit her hip with his own, "You guys must roast alive on stage and all, with your hair fluffed up and the excessive clothing... Except you Tommy," she said, "You heard of us than?" Vince asked hopefully, "Nah, I just happen to know your names and know you're musicians," she said sarcastically, grabbing a key from her back pocket and opening a door, inside was her dorm.

"Nice place," Vince said, leaning on the doorframe as he inspected her bedroom, spotting a lacey red bra which he dangled on his fingers.

"Hey!" She flushed nearly as red as the bra and snatched it off him making those three laugh while Mick rolled his eyes.

"Fuckin weirdo," she pouted and put it in her draw, than looked at them, "So... Do you want to come in or are you gonna stand there?" She asked, so they came in.

She closed the door behind them and sat on a bean bag, letting them sit on her bed.
"What ya in for?" Tommy joked, "Being too amazing," she replied, giggling as she saw him roll his eyes dramatically.

"You play?" Mick asked as he spotted her guitar, "Yeah, yeah I play," she smiled, "You good good?" Nikki asked, "Good enough to choose guitar and not bass," she said, smirking as Mick smirked widely and high fived her.

"Fuck you, you fuckin weirdo!" He yelled, "Says the guy lurking in girls bathrooms..." She said, smirking as he went quiet.

"Shut up..."

Maybe pt. 2

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