Nikki Sixx #46 | Love of my life.

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(Requested by NikkiSixx_Girl).
Hope you like it. :)

I found myself crying in the bathroom, my head in my hands as I sobbed, why had Tommy done this to me? Why had he gone behind my back and made love to Heather Locklear, that movie chick whom he said he had a celebrity crush on, I thought it was all fun and games, I mean I had told him my celebrity crush was Brandon Lee, actor for 'The Crow'.

Had I really let myself go? Was I really not as good as Heather? I sniffled, wiping my tears and choking back sobs, I heard footsteps, that'd be one of the boys coming to check on me, I just pray it isn't Tommy.

"Kayla, honey are you in there?" It was Nikki, he sounded worried as he drummed his fingers on the door.
"M-mhm..." I whimpered, "Look honey, I know what Tommy did was really fucked up, I'm sorry sweetie... Do you want to talk?" He asked softly, "N-not really..." I murmur, "Okay... Can you at least open the door so I can come see you? I really want to make sure you're okay..." His voice was sweet with emotion as he gently rattled the locked door knob.

I opened the door, letting him embrace me in his warm arms, he was so sweet... Why did I fall for Tommy? That boy was nothing but chaos the moment I met him and he stayed that way all through out when we were dating.

"A-am I not pretty enough?" I sniffle, "Kayla, Kayla sweetie... Don't say that stuff, you're very beautiful," he said softly and gently stroked at my tears which fell from my eyes.

"Come on, let's go cuddle and watch dumb stuff on TV, yeah?" He smiled softly, I nodded a bit and he lead me to the couch, sitting with me and wrapping me in his leather clad arms.

We watched the movies together, I snuggled into his arms, he's so warm... So comfy...
I smiled as he kissed my forehead gently.

"Hey... Kayla...?" He asked, I looked up at him curiously, "Yeah Nik?" I asked softly, "I... I um... I wish that you fell in love with me, instead of Tommy," Nikki confessed, gently rubbing at her soft hand, "W-what?" I was shocked, Nikki Sixx was in love with me?!

"Y-yeah... I.. I um, kinda have a thing for you, I have since '84," he murmured, "E-eighty four? You've loved me for three years?" I asked, my eyes widening slightly at the thought, "Y-yeah... God I'm stuttering so much," he chuckled nervously and cleared his throat.

"I knew you and Tommy wouldn't work out, you're sweet, he's chaotic... Hell you and I couldn't work out, I go crazy too..." He said, "I know," I smiled softly making him chuckle, "Kayla... Kayla my love?" He asked softly, "Yeah?" I hummed, "I am... Madly in love with you," he said softly, "I..." I paused, come to think of it... I always had this strange attraction to Nikki that I kept hidden from Tommy.

"I... I'm madly in love with you too Nikki," I spoke, I heard a moan coming from the tv as the couple began making love, we both looked at each other and blushed turning the tv off for the night.

"Right... Um... Kayla?" He asked softly, "Yes Nikki?" I asked, "Do you want to be my girlfriend? Now that everything's settled and all..." He murmured, I nodded with a smile.

He pressed a hand to my jaw, was this the moment? Was he finally going to kiss me? I watched him lean closer, he paused right before he got to my lips, looking at them before looking into my eyes, before slowly closing the gap and kissing me softly.

I closed my eyes into the kiss, my arms going around his shoulders as I kissed him softly, his lips were soft and felt like heaven against my own. He smelt like Cologne and his warm puffs of breath on my face smelt like toothpaste and cigarettes.

He leaned closer and laid on top of me, kissing me softly as he ran his hand up my shirt and gently grabbed at my chest, I gasped into the kiss, letting his tongue slide into my mouth as he kissed me several times, our lips smacking together loudly and our hands going wild over each other.

"Kayla..." He whispered, panting as he leaned over me, our crotches were pressed together as he sat on his knees in between my spread legs.

"Fuck... Nikki," I sighed, he took his shirt off and went back to kissing me, making a trail from my lips, jaw, neck to my chest, which he lingered longer at.

I wiggled out of my shirt and let him do so as he pleased. "You're so beautiful..." He whispered and kissed my collar bones, "You're so handsome Nik," I murmured and played with his hair.

"Tommy might hate you for this," I said, "Fuck Tommy, he had his chance, I bet he didn't fuck you good enough, huh?" He smirked up at me, I felt my face go dark red, "Well... We never really got there... I didn't want to... He... I um..." I blush, "I kinda had my eyes on you... I didn't know why, but now I do... It's because I love you," I spoke, shivering as his eyes raked over my body.

"I love you too," he grinned and kissed me softly, just like that we were in a rush to get undressed quickly, "Good girl," he breathed as he kissed down my stomach.

"Nikki...?" I asked softly, "Mmm?" He hummed, looking up at me, his lips still kissing down my stomach, "I never... I never um..." I blushed, "You've never had sex?" He asked, I shook my head, "Great, than I'll be gentle," he smirked, "I promise, Tommy could never fuck you like I can," he scoffed, sounding proud of himself as he said that.

"R-really? Are you the fuck god?" I smiled, "Some may say," he joked and threw a wink my way making me giggle.

"D-do you have to use your... Fingers?" I asked, "No, though it'll be easier for you to stretch if I do," he spoke and spat on my heat making me gasp, he used it to coat over my folds before sticking his long trained fingers inside of me, moving them around making me blush as I bit my lip.

"Oh Nikki~" I sighed as his fingers squished against certain pieces of pink flesh which made me melt, "Shh~ I've got you..." He whispered and kissed along my jaw, "You ready?" He asked softly, "I-Im ready... Be gentle?" I asked nervously, "Of course," he grinned, he lined up, holding my hands as he gently slid into my heat.

I squeezed his hands as I felt it push in, before I relaxed and held his slightly chubby hands in my own.
"You okay?" He asked gently and kissed my forehead, "M-mhm... C-can you move?" I murmur, he nods and gently moves, his thrusts so tiny at first before he gently slides out more.

Eventually were both moaning and scratching down each other's skin, my nails going down his back while his fingers gently squeeze my arms.

"Pumpkin, you're so... So... So good baby," he breathed, "D-do you treat groupies this gentle?" I gasped, "Oh hell no," he chuckled and slammed a bit further making me moan.

"T-then why...?" I asked quietly, "Groupies want to be destroyed and fucked like sluts, which is what they are, but you're... You're special, you're losing your virginity, of course I'm going to be gentle... Does it feel good babe?" He panted, "It feels amazing... Oh shit... I think... I think I'm gonna..." I gasped, "Me too, go ahead babe," he sighed and moved slowly, it was so sweet and gentle that I felt like it was as innocent as hand holding.

I moaned one last time as I had reached the edge, him quickly sitting back and getting it all over my stomach.
"Shit... Sorry babe..." He groaned and threw his head back.

We got dressed, he wiped tissues over my stomach before kissing me softly and laying down beside me.

"I love you Kayla," he sighed, "I love you too Nikki," I smiled and kissed him softly.

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