Mick Mars #14 | Crowded room.

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You were cold, it was backstage with the boys, on a cold stormy night where groupies flirted with them.

Mick shied away from them and stood by the corner, holding his hands up as a 'no thanks' to the groupies who asked if he wanted a lap dance or something.

You awkwardly walked over.
"I wanna go home..." You said, "Me too," he sighed, "Well, we live together, may as well skidaddle," he said grabbing his keys.

But, apparently the guys wanted you to stay a little longer. you sighed and rested your head on your roommates chest.

He had loved you for years without you knowing.
You listened to his heartbeat, it was fast and calming to listen to.
"Your heart is fast," you told him as you held his hand, "Mm," he hummed, resting his chin on your head as you snuggled into his arms.

"I really wanna go..." You told him as you felt uncomfortable with all the girls flashing their tits.
They flashed Mick who quickly looked away and hummed, "Let's go, I'm too old for this shenanigans," he said in an old man voice, you laughed and held his hand as you two walked out.

You made way to the car and he held your hand on the way, during which, you grew more tired.

"Micky, I love you... Tired..." You said, letting his hand go as it gently fell to your thigh, your head going back as you fell asleep.

He blushed, dark red behind his sunglasses as he made way to the apartment.
"I love you too, I love you too honey," he sighed softly.

As you got there, he gently shook you awake. "Darling, wake up," he said softly, you sighed and woke up, getting out and holding his hand as you dragged your feet all the way to your apartment.

"Miiiiick," you groaned, he chuckled at how childish you were, "Come here then," he said holding his arms open, you snuggled into his arms and sighed happily, his chest was so warm and his leather jacket looked incredibly good on him.

"You're sexy in leather," you told him, he snorted, "You're sexy in everything," he said, you giggled like a school girl, red shining on your cheeks.

"Come on, I wanna cuddle," you pleaded, taking his hand and taking him to your room.
"You're lucky I love you," he said, "I love you more old man," you said, "I love you most kid."

"Not possible,"



"Shut up."

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