Vince Neil #43 | Room-mates.

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"Hey! You home?!" Vince called from down stairs, I groaned and rolled onto my side, "Yeah Vince! I'm in my room!" I called, he came up the stairs, sounding like an Elephant as he threw my door open.

"Ughhh, I'm so bored!" He groaned, "Me too," I sighed, putting the telephone back in its spot, "Who were you calling?" He asked and sat at the foot of the bed, "Jessy, she said she needs a babysitter, guess I'm going down there tomorrow... Fun..." I sighed, "Babysitting? Do you even know how to hold a baby?" Vince asked.

I rolled my eyes and slapped his arm, "Scuse me but the kids are 8 and 10, besides, I know how to hold a baby, I've held babies before yknow?" I asked, "Tooootallly," he hummed, "This thing called nephews," I smiled, "You have nephews?" He frowned, "Yep," I hummed, "Wow... You, an auntie, that'd be the day!" He scoffed, "Oh come on! At least I don't look like a blonde Chihuahua!" I scoffed and laid back down on my bed, "Bitch!" He gasped and slapped my thigh making me laugh, kicking at him, "Oh you're on!" He roared and pounced on me.

We laughed as we spun around, tackling before ending up on the floor, tangled in my blankets. "Okay, just... Move this way," I said and he was stuck to me, arms around me, "This is just great..." I sighed, "Isn't it?" He asked sarcastically and frowned dramatically.

"Okay, sit up a bit," I said, he sat up and I managed to free my foot, falling on top of him again. "Falling for me already?" He winked, I scoffed and rolled my eyes, making me way to the kitchen.

"Heyyyy, can you make food? I'm hungry..." He sighed, "Yeah yeah, nothing extravagant though, I'm too tired," I said, grabbing two bowls and making popcorn.

"Yummy," he said and stole a bowl, hopping to the lounge and eating as he flicked through channels.
"Uh... Nothings on!" He groaned, looking at me as I walked to sit beside him.

"I got a date anyways," he sighed, I raised a brow, "A date date?" I asked, he nodded, "Wow!" I said in awe, "What?" He frowned, "You're dating... Not... Fucking? Oh my god give it up for Vince Neil!" I cheered and clapped, laughing as he shoved some popcorn in my mouth, "Shut up!" He scoffed making me chuckle.

"Where are you headed?" I asked, "Down the street, to that Italian place that opened up," he shrugged, "Fancy, are you two gonna suck face?" I smirked, "Shut up dude!" He scoffed making me snicker.

"I best get goin, bye dude," he said, "Bye Vin, hope you don't get an STD!" I called, "Shut up!" He called and walked out making me snicker as I ate my popcorn, watching a few horror movies as I waited.

He came back a few hours later, looking exhausted, "Fuck you that good huh?" I teased, "No," he grumbled and laid down, putting his head on my lap.

"What's up?" I asked, "It was a mess! She's a nightmare! She said I'm a shitty singer and that I have feminine hips!" He scoffed.

"Heyyy, you've got a great voice! Besides, no one picks on Vinny's hips, those things are god tier," I said, "God tier?" He asked, "Mhm, you got some sexy legs man, flaunt that shit," I said, patting his chest and chuckling as he went red.

"Yeah whatever man..." He smiled, shaking his head as he played with his hands. "Hey... You mind if we hang out? I'm bored and that date sucked ass," he said, "Sure Vin, let's watch Salem's lot, yeah?" I smiled, "Yeah," he chuckled and sat up beside me.

As we watched the old horror flick, I had my cheek against his shoulder, looking at the screen and playing with the tuffs of his jacket.

The credits began rolling so I turned to Vince. "I'm so bored..." I sighed and rested my forehead against his chest.

"You're always bored," he said, "Ugh, come on, let's play a game!" I said, "What sort of game?" He frowned, "Uh... 20 questions?" I suggested, crossing my legs and sitting in front of him, he changed his position as well, "All right, you go," he said and patted my knee.

"Hmm... Your dream for the band," I said, "To get more known, the more we progress the easier it'll be to get contracts and get our albums out," Vince told me, "Now, what's your dream?" He asked me.

We went back and forth all day, well passed 20, to the point we offended each other with nasty jokes and started a pillow fight.

That's roommates for ya.

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