Vince Neil #49 | Flower.

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Vince wiped a tear, holding his baby girls hand, she looked up at him with a pout, little tears falling from the corners of her eyes.

"Daddy, don't let them cut me open again..." She whimpered, lip wobbling, he traced her cheek and promised her the world, the world she could not keep.

He gave her toys as she laid in her hospital bed, he gave her kisses and cuddles and did everything to make her happy.

She whimpered, being in pain so he gently placed his hand to her stomach and kissed her hand.

"Daddy's got you princess... Daddy's..." He cut himself off as he fell asleep beside her, as he was asleep, he lost his daughter, she was gone.

He woke up and screamed his heart out as he saw a flat line on the heart monitor, the doctors unplugged it and tried consoling him.


No one came to visit him, the band was long done with him.

He was alone...

Until he wasn't, back with the band who hugged him and promised it would be okay.

"It's not fuckin okay! My fucking... Fucking..." Vince paused, trying to be angry but tears were beginning to fall.

"I know man... Take it easy," Tommy said softly and gave him a tight hug, rubbing his back as he cried into his shoulder.

"My baby... She's gone..."

Little did he know she was watching, "Hi daddy..."

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