Tommy Lee #44 | Girls, Girls, Girls.

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Um, kinda smutty... Kinda? I was using an ai source and so I wanted to traumatize you guys bc I'm traumatized... You're welcome.

The music blasted in the strip club as Tommy sat there, legs kicked up on the table as he cheered. He was off his face drunk and was rooting for a bunch of girls.

One girl came up on stage and made his jaw drop, she had a drumstick on either side of her hip shoved between the elastic of her underwear, she walked over to him and crouched down, legs spread as she smirked at him, she gave him a wink and he felt himself drool over her.

"Oh baby I can't wait to get my hands all over you," she whispered in his ear (Oh Bret I can't wait to get my hands all over you - Talk dirty to me by Poison).

He gulped and watched as she grabbed one of the drumsticks, she pressed it between his lips and smirked at him, "Suck it big boy," she said, he let it go into his mouth, the tip of the drumstick gliding over his tongue as he opened his mouth as he felt it being pulled out.

She moved her underwear aside and shoved the drumstick all the way inside her, holding onto a tiny piece of the wood, she moaned and tossed her head back as she thrusted it it further into herself.

"That's why they call her the drummer! She always hits it harder!" The announcer called into the mic as he saw it go down, she spread her legs and tossed her underwear off, letting Tommy pocket it as she got him to move it for  her, she squealed and moaned, going cross eyed as he thrusted the drumstick inside of her, the pure size of it alone was enough to have her gasping and moaning, wiggling against the drumstick as he shoved it in deeper.

He moved his head closer and began using his tongue against her making her gasp, moaning as she grabbed his head and pulled him closer, screaming at the top of her lungs as the drumstick continued hitting spots deep inside of her.

He leaned back and suddenly huge spurts of cum went flying, hitting Tommy in the face, his chest, down to his crotch and everywhere else in the room as she sighed happily and moaned herself silly.

As the drumstick was taken out of her she straddled him, "I want a drummer inside of me now," she pouted and smirked as she felt his 'drumstick' against her.

"That can be arranged."


Sorry if I traumatized you.

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