Tommy Lee #14 | Good sleep?

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Tommy was down stairs reading at the table, shocking, the drummer likes to read.
His girlfriend was asleep in their bedroom, he let her sleep in, shocked to see her still asleep when he got back from band practice.

"Ughhh," he heard, he chuckled and she snaked under his arms, straddling him and putting her head in his neck.
"I'm so tired!" She grizzled, he smiled and kissed her head, "Nice to meet you tired, I'm Tommy," he smiled, "That was awful," she said making him snicker.

"Had to be done," he said, "You suck," she smiled, "You love me," he smiled back, "Sometimes," she joked, "Ugh! I love you all the time though!" He whined, "Oh poor baby," she pouted.

He gave her a childish pout making her giggle. "I'm kidding," she smiled and kissed him softly.
"Wanna sleep more, ni ni, drummy," she said, "Ni ni honey," he chuckled.

She went back to sleep in his neck, her soft warm breaths tickled a bit as he continued reading his novel.

He sighed softly and kissed her head a few times as he studied on the book.
He loved it, it was a horror novel, but it spoke about the love the victim had for the killer, who each day would return home with off meat and dead animals to impress them.

He thought it was kind of romantic.
"I love you baby cakes," he told her, "I love you too drummy, where's your drumsticks?" She asked, he passed them over, she played with them and gently patted his shoulders with them, he chuckled and put his bookmark in the book.

"You're strange," he told her, "I know, but so are you! That's why I fell in love with you," she smiled brightly making him chuckle.

He kissed her softly and laughed as a drumstick poked his lips, "Baby, what are you doing?" He asked as she poked his mouth with them.

"Mwah mwah mwah," she giggled, he chuckled and moved her wrists so he could peck her again.

"Drumsticks," she said holding them up, "I'm aware," he smiled, "Did you know my boyfriend uses them on a day to day basis?" She asked, "Mhm," he nodded.

"Did you also know my boyfriend is the drummer for Motley Crue?" She asked, "Wow, I didn't know that, tell me more," he hummed.

"Well, he's this super hot brunette that is a huge dork, when I first met him I nearly passed out over how sexy he is, true story," she nodded making him chuckle, "That's nice, wanna hear about my girlfriend?" He asked, she nodded.

"My girlfriend is a sexy blonde, with beautiful green eyes and wide hips, when I first met her I wanted to see her March down the aisle, and I still do," he smiled, she blushed and giggled.

"I'll go down the aisle if I get to see your hair teased and your tats showing at our wedding," she said squishing his face, "Deal," he said slightly muffled making her giggle.

She nuzzled their noses together and smiled brightly making him chuckle as he kissed her.
"I love you," she said, "I love you too," he grinned.

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