Nikki Sixx #19 | Dresses and kisses.

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Reader is named Silvia for this.


The boys wanted to go dress shopping with me. I'm serious, they actually wanted to, I didn't force them at all.
Tommy sprung to life when Nikki proposed and immediately said he would help me pick, Vince was reluctant but said okay and Mick just agreed.

Nikki proposed in the sweetest way... He took me to dinner, showered me in kisses and I should of known something was up as he kept staring at a jewelry store.

He wanted to go in so we looked around. I saw a black ring with a Ruby hanging out of it.
That, was the one for me. (Omg wait, imagine if his daughter Ruby is named after this, lmfaooo?!)

I didn't even know he bought that ring for me as Mick told me to follow him so we could walk around together, he spoke with me about my feelings towards Nikki and asked me serious questions, like if I wanted kids, I am on the fence about that...

Now here I am, giggling with the boys as the man helping me pick a dress showed them to a leather couch.

"Now, the future husband isn't here is he?" He asked me, "No," I smiled, "Good! He doesn't get to see how stunning you'll look!" He said clapping once and spinning, "Come," he smiled, I put my bag down by the boys and followed him to the changing room.

"So what style are you after my darling?" He hummed, "I love Gothic stuff... Nikki and I are actually getting married in a cathedral so..." I smiled, "Ugh! Goth vibes all around, alrighty, come with me," he said.

He lead me Inside and I tried a dress on, "How are we feeling?" He asked, "It's not exactly me... But it is beautiful... I just don't think it's for me," I said, he nodded and we went to show the boys.

I giggled as they looked at me in shock. "You're beautiful, but... Eh... It doesn't make your eyes pop out," Tommy said, "I agree, it doesn't feel you," Mick said.

"That's my thoughts," I said, "So similar!" The man chuckled.

He took me back and I gasped as I looked in the mirror. "Is that a good gasp?" He asked, "Yes... This train..." I said in awe and turned at all angles, "It is beautiful," he chuckled.

We walked out of the room and into where the guys were.
They all had their jaws slack to the ground. I giggled and did a small spin.
"I-wow..." Vince said, "That's the exact reaction we wanted!" The man chuckled.

"It's 1500 dollars, just under your price range," the man said (dresses are expensive for brides... You only wear it once...?).

I said it was fine.

"I do have one question.." He said, "Are you going to say yes to the dress?" He smiled, I looked at the boys who all nodded, "Yes," I smiled, he cheered and took me back, boxing up the dress into a small fancy box that would make it less obvious of being a dress... For the husband to not peak.

I held the box and was in my regular clothes again.
I went to my bag to get the money but all the boys shoed me away from it and all handed over money making the man chuckle.
"They say chivalry is dead," he said.

As we left, Mick drove us home. Nikki had no idea I was out shopping for a dress, he's sick with the flu so he assumed I was just taking his spot at the studio to bark orders and help out.

I waved as I got out and made my way Inside, he was fast asleep on the bed, I tucked my dress under the bed on my side and crawled in.

"Mm... Baby?" He asked tiredly, "Hey babe," I smiled and leaned into his side.
"How was today?" He asked, "It was really good, I nearly broke my neck in my boots though," I told him, he chuckled and pulled me closer, kissing my forehead, "I love you baby... Can't wait to marry you..." He sighed, "I can't wait either.. I love you too!" I smiled.

Then the day came around.

I was back in the dressing room nervous out of my mind... I took in a deep breath and my sister put a black rose in my hair and put my hair into a bun.

"You look gorgeous," she smiled, "Thank you," I smiled shyly.

"Now come on!" She said pushing me outside, there outside waiting was Mick, I put my arm on his and he lead me down.

We walked through this arch way and I walked up to the top, Nikki's back was turned to me and I saw Vince and Tommy at the side smiling as they watched me walk up

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We walked through this arch way and I walked up to the top, Nikki's back was turned to me and I saw Vince and Tommy at the side smiling as they watched me walk up.

"You look beautiful

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"You look beautiful..." He whispered in my ear, "Thank you... You look rather handsome in a suit," I chuckled quietly.

As I stood up, I looked at the audience, family, friends and music managers

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As I stood up, I looked at the audience, family, friends and music managers.
I tapped his shoulder, he turned around and chuckled as he saw me.

"Holy shit..." He said making the audience chuckle, I giggled and he held my hands in his.

Doc was the celerbant.

"I do..." I said, "And do you, Nikki Sixx, take Silvia, to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He asked, "I do," Nikki smiled.

"You may now! Kiss the bride!" He cheered.

Nikki dipped me and kissed me softly making everyone cheer.
Vince handed me flowers, I giggled and turned around, throwing them, my friend Amy caught them, her boyfriend chuckled at her excitement.

I held Nikki's hand as we ran down the aisle.
He stuffed my dress into the car and the boys came out, they grabbed red lipstick and on the bumper wrote 'NEWLY WEDS'.

They waved as Nikki flawed it out of there.

"You're absolutely beautiful..." Nikki said in awe, "And my wife?! Silvia Sixx..." He smiled, "Got a ring to it," I smiled, he chuckled and held my hand, tracing the ring, "Literally," he smiled, taking me inside, it was late now, I kissed Nikki who groaned and unclipped my corset making me giggle.
"Eager are we?" I smiled, "Shit yeah..." He said staring at my chest as the corset fell down.

"Dirty perv," I smiled and kissed him softly as he carried me to our room.

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