Nikki Sixx #44 | The noise complaint.

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The music blasted all day ever day.
She found herself rolling over in her bed at night trying to shelter her ears from the obnoxious loud rock n roll and punk coming from the man across the apartment floor from her. Or, men.

She sat there contemplating, shy of confrontation but she had had enough.
She sighed and got up, making way to the room and knocking.

"Woah dude someone's knocking man."

"Meh, who cares."

"It could be the cops."

"Ugh, I'll get it."

Her hands were tied together from her anxious fumbling as she waited for the door to swing open, it eventually did.

"Well," A blonde smirked as he opened the door, leaning against it and chuckling slightly as he looked at her.

"Look, there's a pretty lady at the door," he smirked, grabbing her chin but she shied away.

"C-can you turn it down...?" She mumbled, he only chuckled and turned to the others, "Guys, she wants us to 'turn it down'," he laughed.

Tommy walked over and laughed as he saw her, she felt anxious as she stood there cowering like a child.
Nikki got up as well, seeing a girl whom he thought looked awfully familiar.

"Y/N?" He asked, shocked slightly as he looked into her eyes, "Frankie?" She whispered, "Nikki," he corrected and walked over.

"What are you doing around here? I thought you moved to San Francisco?" He asked, she shook her head and he gave her a big hug, "Man what are you doing here?" He smiled, "I... I was asking... I-if you could keep the music down a bit...?" She asked quietly, "Just for you," he said and ruffled her hair, "Wait what?" Vince asked, "You heard me, inside," Nikki demanded so they grumbled, turning the amps down and heading inside.

"See ya around," Nikki smirked and threw her a wink.

That's Frankie/Nikki for ya.

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