Vince Neil #37 | Swept off my feet.

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Swinging her hips left to right on the gym ball she had gotten during her pregnancy, she felt exhausted, like coming out of a hot shower and you can't be bothered to get dressed as you're so exhausted.

She took deep breaths, squeezing things around her but nothing helped her at all.
Her husband, Vince Neil, the singer of Motley Crue was at the studio working.

She didn't want to call in case he got upset, but she knew he'd be more upset if he found her lying on the floor bawling her eyes out because their son was kicking too much.

She slowly got up, hunched over and holding her stomach, she whined and made way to the living room, dialing the studio.

"Hey," It was Doug Thaler on the phone.
"Hey Dough, can you get Vince for me?" She asked, sounding like a panting dog, "Yeah," he said and called for him, hustle and bustle before he grabbed the phone.

"Hey baby, you alright? Do you need me to come home?" He asked quickly, "Yes please..." She sighed, "Alright sweetie, I'll be on my way," he said.

He hung up and had to tell the boys he was off, he sped home, being careful of course.

As he finally arrived, he saw his wife sitting on the couch, head back and breathing heavily as she held her stomach.

"Hey baby..." Vince said softly, "Vinny," she said weakly, "I know baby," he sighed and rubbed her belly, "I'll run you a bath, hot, warm, cold?" He asked, "Can you make it lukewarm baby?" She asked, "Yeah of course," he promised and ran to the bathroom, starting the water.

She washed as he went from their room to the bathroom, she smiled a bit and he flashed a soft smile as he held clothes she bought for her pregnancy, well, he bought her.

A soft white hoodie with white trakkie dacks...

She took in a few deep breaths, sweat dripping down her forehead.
The baby was a breach baby, meaning he would come out feet first, so her pregnancy was particularly hard on her.

"Ready sweetie?" Vince asked, she nodded, he picked her up and took her to the bathroom, inside were her clothing neatly folded, her towel on the hook and the radio, he switched on some Billy Joel that he sang along to as he helped her undress.

She laid in the tub, head back as he washed her.

He'd do anything for that woman.
"I love you baby," he said, "I love you too," she said, beginning to feel better.

She put her head on his shoulder, smiling as he kissed her forehead.
"I love you baby girl, and I love you baby boy," he smiled as he placed his hand on her tummy, she giggled, "Vinny, I think he can hear you," she smiled as she felt a kick.

"Aww," Vince smiled, "I love you guys," he said, "We love you too," she smiled.


After a year, when their baby was now one, they held the baby and sang to him.
The little one giggled and tried grabbing hold of Vince, playing with his hair making him smile as he gave him a kiss to the forehead.

"I love you baby," he whispered.

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