Nikki Sixx #5 | Sound.

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I had been working with the boys even before they started Motley Crue. They're a handful and huge dorks, but they're amazing.

Nikki will always be my favourite.
Just how dorky and energetic  he is.
His story he shares with me a lot, how his father wasn't there, how his mother argued with him a lot and how he lived with his nan.

Everytime the boys have a tour, he always rushes to the side to talk to me while playing.

This was like that.

He rushed over, his chains jingling as he ran while playing, he made way to me, but this time was slightly different.

He pulled me in by the waist with one hand and kissed me before running off.
I turned around to look at Jacob, the other sound guy and gaped at him making him laugh.

Mick gave you a knowing smirk and wiggled his brows, you rolled your eyes and shoed him off while he laughed and continued playing.

"What have I gotten myself into?" I smiled, "No idea," Jacob chuckled and Tony, the light guy put the lights on them, they made Nikki look amazing as the light showed off his sweat.

"Girls girls girls!" I whisper gasped as the song started playing, "Yeah yeah, go suck faces with the bassist," Jacob teased, "Oh go suck yourself," I hummed making him laugh.

I watched them play one of my favourite Motley songs and Nikki was strutting along the stage, sticking his tongue out cheekily at the audience as he smirked as he saw me, waving by wiggling his fingers and blowing a kiss making me blush.

"What the fuck...?" I whispered making Jacob chuckle.

And as they strutted over, they were covered in sweat and panting.
"Ughhh, thank god it's over," Vince groaned, laying on the locker room bench and fanning his hand on his face.

"Doll, do you have a towel?" Nikki asked you, you frowned at him, "Yeah... I have a towel..." You said and grabbed one, giving it to him, "Thanks," he said and gave a playful wink and went off to sit down.

"Okay what the shit?" I asked, "What?" He chuckled, "What is wrong with you?" I asked, "I'm hot and sweaty," he said.

"No! Idiot don't... That's not what I mean," I pouted, "I don't know what you're talking about," he shrugged.

He knew exactly what I was talking about, he was just being an asshole.
"Nikki!" I whined, stomping my foot childishly.

He only snorted and smirked to himself, "Off her rocker that one," he told Mick who smirked at me.

I huffed and stomped over, "Tell me," I begged and played with his hair, only I get to do that, how cool?!

"Mmm... Nah," he said, "But Nik!" I groaned making all four of them chuckle.
"Tommy, can you tell me?" I asked pouting, my arm around Nikki's shoulder as he put his around my waist, "Nah man, I don't know," Tommy said with a shrug, "You're a bad liar," I pouted.

"Nikkiiiiiii!" I pouted and poked his cheek, "What? I don't know anything," he said, I pouted and he grabbed a cloth to wipe of the stripes on his cheeks.

"Vinceeee?" I asked, "Nope," he said, "Aww, pretty please?" I pouted, "Nah man," he hummed as he looked at his nails.

"Micky?" I hummed, he shook his head, "Ugh! Fine I'll just go then," I pouted and went to walk away but Nikki grabbed my waist and placed me on his lap.

"What's the rush darling?" He asked making me blush, "Lemme go!" I whined and put my arms out trying to get up, "Nah, I don't think I will, this is too fun," he smirked.

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