Tommy Lee #5 | Drunk.

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-edited because everyone kept saying girls girls girls, I'm aware it's girls girls girls, I was tired okay? 😭-

Your boot-high-heel (don't ask, the type the boys wear on stage back in the 80s)'s clicked along the dance floor as you made your way to the bar, sitting down and talking to your best friend James who was behind the bar.

"Look Tommy look!" You heard a man yell, "Where Vince where?!" the other man yell, "Over there!" He yelled, you turned around, a brunette with bushy brown hair whistled in your direction.

You turned back and James chuckled, "Look at you, hot stuff," he winked, you were never in this situation before. Most people who call your name in public try and ridicule you, by saying rude things...

Footsteps made way over.
"Hey, I'm Tommy," the guy smirked, "Y/N," you mumbled, "You look incredibly beautiful," he said.

"Thank you... You don't look too bad yourself," you said, "Ahhh, I'm drunk, don't piss on my leg and call it punch," he chuckled and took a drink.

"But I think you're good looking," you said, fully meaning it, he looked at you from the corner of his eye before putting the glass down and looking at you.

"Well thank you, how long have you been here?" He asked, "Only 30 minutes, I got here to pick up a friend but I don't know where she went..." You stated.

"Not much a party person?" He asked, "No, last party I was forced into I had a panic attack..." You murmured.

"Damn, that sucks, we boys love to party, but Mick is more chill, he prefers staying in the studio and trying anything to get his guitar louder," he smiled.

"Really? Who was the blonde guy?" You asked, "That's Vince, he's our vocalist, then we have Nikki who's our bassist," he smiled.

"Is that his real name?" You asked, "Is now, he got his name legally changed. It used to be Frankie," he smiled.

"Ohh," you said, "So, let's go out for some fresh air," he offered, standing up and handing his hand to you.

You took it and you both went out into the cold weather.
You hugged yourself as you sat on the bench, him sitting beside you.

"Us four are trying to create a band... It's difficult," he sighed, "I know, but I think you guys are gonna rock it," you smiled, "How would you know?" He smirked, "You sound compassionate, compassion is one of the things you need for any dream job," you smiled.

"That is true..." He said, taking off his leather jacket and wrapping it around you, "You looked cold," he smiled, "Thank you..." You said, "No problem, in return I get to lay my head on your lap," he gave a cheeky little wink as he stuck his tongue out a little, "Sure," you said and put your legs down, he laid his head down and looked away from you, you wanted to touch his hair so bad... But what rock star let's someone touch their hair?!

"Hey Tommy?" You asked, he turned back and hummed, "Can I touch your hair?" You asked, "Aha! I knew my hair looked amazing," he smirked and grabbed your hair, putting it on his head and humming with relaxation as you massaged his head.

The door slammed open making you both jump, but as Tommy realized it was only the boys he went back to laying over your thigh.

"Hey, what's your name?" The dark haired man asked politely, "I'm Y/N," you said, "Alright Tommy!" The taller dark haired one cheered and patted his shoulder.

The boys sat on the benches and talked about God knows what while you kept yawning.
"You tired sugar?" He asked, you nodded, blushing a bit at the nickname.

"Mm... We're both in the wrong... I'm drunk, so I can't drive, you're tired, so you can't drive," he sighed.

"Luckily, I can," the black haired man said, "Ugh! Mick, life saver!" Tommy cheered, Mick rolled his eyes, that makes the tall one Nikki then.

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