Mick Mars #22 | Massages...

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Mick had been told for weeks to go to a spa.
It was his off week, and Nikki booked an appointment for him.
"Oh come on man! You get massages, sauna, hot tub!" He tried convincing him, "No way!" Mick said, "Hot chicks," Vince said, Mick frowned at him, "I'm not a man whore," Mick said making them laugh.

Finally, he went, only so he'd be away from them. He went to the spa and grumbled as he walked in, just sitting in the corner staring at the floor.

For about five minutes he was doing that before a light finger poked his shoulder.
He looked up, there she was.

Black long hair and no makeup on, she was gorgeous.
"Hello," she smiled nervously, "Hi..." He said confused as to why she was talking to him.

"Do you have an appointment?" She asked, "Yeah, my friends forced me to come here, I got a bad back," he said.

"Oh, I see," she hummed, "Pain in the ass, it's a curse, Ankylosing Spondilytis," he sighed, "I bet it sucks, I've had several clients come in with that issue," she told him.

"I can give you a massage if you want," she said, "Uh..." He said, he felt really awkward just getting massages from random people...

"Um... Okay?" He said more like he was asking.
She gave him a hand and he walked with her to a room.

"You don't have to take your shirt off, it just makes it easier," she told him, "But hey, at least I know you won't strip tease me, it's happened to me before," she giggled.

"Really?" He asked as he took his shirt off, his pale skin was so shiny.
He laid down, "Yeah really, he thought he was being sexy, he bit his lip and was like, 'you like that?' And I'm like... 'I hate having a vagina'," she sang making him laugh.

She giggled and walked behind him, gently massaging his shoulders and moving down his spine, her light prodding and poking was doing wonders for his back.

He hummed slightly, "This isn't too bad," he said, "That's good to hear," she giggled, "Bad massages just suck," he said, "Yeah, one time I got a massage and they dug their fingers into my collar bone, I couldn't move my head side to side for like a month, I had to full on turn my body to look at someone," she sighed making him chuckle.

He rested his head on his forearms and sighed tiredly. "Tired," he said, "Tired too," she giggled.

"You could put me to sleep," he chuckled, "Probably, who knows?" She smiled and pressed his tail bone lightly with the back of her palm.

"God that feels good," he said.

He was right, he did fall asleep, she giggled and left the room to get something, coming back and he was awake, sitting up, he grabbed his shirt and put it on.

"I'm so tired," he groaned, "Same," she smiled, "We should switch rolls," he said, "You massage me?" She asked, he nodded, she laid down and he rubbed her back gently before starting to massage her shoulders, moving to her back where he gently massaged her spine, rubbing circles with his thumbs lightly.

"You'd be a good masseuse," she chuckled, "Nah, people are gross," he said, "I agree, I only do this as I'm waiting to get my results back from uni," she said.

"Oh, for what?" He asked, "I'm hoping to enter a music uni," she explained, "Ohh! That's nice to know," he nodded and they sat on the bed and talked about random stuff.

"I'm taller then you," she said going on her knees, "You wish," Mick said making her giggle.

As the time was over, they went to the reception room and heard motorbikes, "Oh don't tell me..." Mick sighed.

Yep, here they are.

"Ugh! Hide me!" He begged, too late, they walked in being loud as fuck.
"Heyyy! Mick man! See any hot chicks?" Tommy asked, "Nah dude, the place is empty," Nikki said.

"She's hot," Vince pointed at her, "Oh shut up you dirty bastards, have some fucking respect," Mick said irritated, he felt so protective over the woman he barely knew.

"Alright, calm down," Tommy rolled his eyes.
The girl behind the counter just smiled as she wrote something down, as they were looking out the window, she tapped Mick's hand, he turned and she handed him her number, he smirked and put it in his pants pocket, "Thank you for the massage," he said, taking her hand and pecking it, "You're welcome," she smiled, he walked out and drove off.

"Yo! Just ditched us!" Vince said.

"Hi," Tommy said to her, "Hello," she said, "You wouldn't have a sister would you?" He asked making her laugh.

"Nope, sorry boys, out of luck," she smiled making them groan while she snickered, "What about you?" Vince asked, "I prefer guitarists," she smirked.

"Ooh! Mick's got it down!" Nikki yelled and they cheered as they ran out and drove off on their bikes.
Probably going home to annoy poor Mick.

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