Mick Mars #49 | When we were younger.

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OC's name is Rose. (Please if this person does not describe you please do not be mad, I got inspired by a random 80s chick I saw).

Two beautiful young women were chuckling together at a hair salon, it was the fifties and at this point it was their favourite place to go considering they weren't working and were stay at home mothers.

"Oh really? How old is your little Robert?" Rose's mother smiled softly, the mother beside her chuckled while gently patting the rollers in her hair.

"He's seven, little tike has taken a liking to guitar!" Roberts mother said proudly, smiling a little as she turned her head to Rose's mother.

"Aww, my little girl has taken a liking to music too," she chuckled softly and the two exchanged numbers after quickly becoming friends.

"Hey, maybe one day our little ones could meet up?" Janet - Rose's mother smiled, "I'd love that!" Tina - Robert's mother smiled widely and the two giggled and waved happily at each other once they left the salon.

Just over a week later and the two met up at Tina's house. "Come in come in! I'll spot you a cup of tea! Frank is down at the Church again!" Tina smiled widely, Janet smiled softly and walked in, her daughter was behind her leg the whole time.

"What can I get you little darlin?" Tina smiled and gently pinched Rose's little cheek, the little girl pouted a bit and shook her head.

"She's very shy..." Janet smiled softly, "Oh so is my Robby! Don't worry honey, you'll fit right in," Tina winked at the little girl who pouted and looked around curiously.

"Ma? Who's that?" The two ladies turned to the sound of the voice, meanwhile the little girl hid behind her mother further.

"Robby! This is my friend Janet and this is-" she turned to see Rose and chuckled as she went back to hiding behind Janet.

"That's Janet's daughter Rose, she's your age!" She smiled sweetly at her son, Robert peaked a bit and spotted Rose.

"Mum it's a girl thing..." Robert mumbled making Tina scoff out a laugh.
"Oh go on, go take her to your room where you two can play!" Tina smiled softly, Robert sighed a little and walked up behind Janet and grabbed Rose's hand.

He took her up to his room and sat down on the floor, she looked really nervous as she looked around.

"Sit," he said and patted in front of him, she walked over and sat in front of him.

The two slowly clicked after talking about random stuff and they played with dinosaur toys together.

"Haha! Die die die!" Robert cheered as he chopped up her dinosaur, "Robert, I hope you're playing nicely!" They heard Tina call, "Yes mum!" Robert sighed and rolled his eyes making Rose giggle.


Sliding into high school, the two were sat together in class, Robert had short hair and snarled as he listened to the teacher ramble on and on and on.

He hated school. What kid doesn't? He looked over at Rose and saw her taking serious notes. "You take this shit serious?" He whispered to her, "Mhm, just in case..." She mumbled back and the ruler got thrashed down on their table making them jump.

They looked up and the teacher was glaring down at them.
"Principals office!"

The two sighed and made way to the principals office, first was Robert who winced and rubbed his sore palms afterwards.

Rose gulped a bit and went in next, she came out with tears in her eyes and bloody hands, Robert was outraged.

He stormed back in and yelled 'I'm outta here!' And stormed off, grabbing Rose's hand and storming away with her.

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