Vince Neil #40 | Bimbo and the bartender.

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-readers name: Harmony-

I sighed softly as I poured the drunk men their final glasses.
"Awh, doll just one more," they always said, "No, you said that ten drinks ago, beat it," I demanded, finger pointing to the front door, completely made of glass with duct tape over it from the last drunk guy who fell through it.

"I'm warning you, leave before I get the owner," I said, aka my father.
They chuckled and took sips of their drinks before putting their hands up in defence, "Fine, fine, we're goin," he smirked and hopped up, they exited the bar, I saw them stand at the window, pull their pants down and piss on the glass... Fucking assholes.

I put my elbows on the counter, my hair in my hands as I groaned loudly.
The sounds of motorbikes caught my attention, the men fleed and I saw four men walk in.

The taller ones laughed at the mess they saw while blondie and the shorter one just walked in, "Hey," I knew this guys all too well, the singer, Vince looked at me with a smirk, his voice buttery sweet.

I sighed and grabbed myself a bottle of Jack and took a generous swig, it's gonna be a long night...

"Long night?" Nikki giggled, "Yep, you ain't makin it go any quicker," I said and put my bottle down, "Aww... You offend me princess," Vince pouted.

"Well, maybe it wouldn't hurt so much if it weren't the truth," I scoffed, Mick jumped to make his order, thankfully he wasn't a hastle to supply for, besides I basically knew his drink of choice by now.

"Really? How could we make you like us better?" Tommy asked, blowing cigarettes smoke into my face, I waved it away and sighed dramatically.

"By fucking off, I'd love that," I huffed and got them their drinks, placing it in front of them, "Naww, why do you hate us so bad?" Nikki pouted, "Because you do nothing but cause me grief, how many times have I had to kick your drunk asses out of this place, huh?" I pouted.

"You're cute when you're angry," Vince giggled, I put my hands up and motioned a strangle like hold with my hands, "That'll be you if you don't shut up," I hissed, "Aww, baby you're cute when you threaten me," he smirked.

"For the fucking last time Vince, my name is Harmony!" I sighed, "Mm, okay, babe," he smirked, I flipped him off and went in the back, grabbing a few things and coming back.

My friend Rose walked in, sighing dramatically and grabbing a notebook and a pen, "Rough night?" I chuckled, "Ugh! Some drunk dude wouldn't stop groping me, dirty pervert!" She pouted and went to her table.

I was scribbling on my notebook to pass the time, Vince went to touch my hand, "Touch me, I break your face," I warned, "Like you could," he smirked, I raised a brow.

"What? You think a girl can't kick your ass?" I asked, "Never said that, I just think you're too soft," he shrugged, "What the fuck is that meant to mean?" I frowned, "Just that, you got a soft spot for me," he smirked.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "Vince, I'm just not into you! Find a groupie to satisfy your needs man," I said and slammed the notebook down.

Tommy and Nikki wandered off to the jukebox while Mick was in his own world, drinking the glasses that I gave him.

"Why don't you like me?" He asked, "Well, you piss me off than you expect it to be all sunshine and roses the next day, wake up Vince, not everyone will forgive you within a click of the fingers," I sighed and shook my head.

"Let me change your mind, I'll make it up to you," he said, grabbing my notebook and pen and writing his number down.

"Vince I'm not gonna-" he cut me off by pushing it to me, "Call me, bye doll face," he winked and walked off to his bike and drove off.

"Can you believe that guy?" I sighed, looking at Mick who simply smirked, "I'm in a band with him, I know," he said, "He drives me mad," I sighed softly.

"You know, I think he does like you," Mick shrugged, "What makes you think that? I don't need my heart broken by a slutty rock star who can't keep their dick in their pants," I scoffed.

"He hasn't fucked a groupie in like three months, or anyone for that matter... That's strange," he said making me snicker, "Fuck, better check his temperature," I joked, "I said that," he chuckled.

"Thank god you're tolerable," I sighed, "Thank the devil," he corrected, "Right," I chuckled softly.

Finally, once this joint was closed up, I finally had time to myself, driving home and dramatically flopping down on my bed, than I remembered.


I can't believe I'm doing this....

I grabbed the number out of my pocket and began entering it into my phone, there was a click on the other side and that's when I heard his stupid voice.

"Heylo~" he called, "Hi..." I sighed, hand resting on my thighs, "Ooh~ Princess what made you change your mind?" He smirked, "Something Mick said, he said you hadn't fucked someone in a month, that is a record for you," I said, "I know?! Can you believe it?!" He gasped.

"What's wrong? The dick fall off or something?" I smirked, "Nope, perfectly intact still," he replied with a cheeky giggle.

"Don't the girls want bad boy: Vince Neil?" I asked, "Don't know, but I want you," he said, I paused for a moment.

I had feelings for him sure, but I didn't want my heart broken.

"Vince... Do you actually mean what you say? Or are you trying to get into my pants?" I asked, feeling my throat begin to hurt, damn I always fall for the Heartbreakers.

"I mean... I'd fuck you," he said, I sighed and shook my head, what did I expect, just as I went to put the phone down, he spoke again, "But I do love you," He replied.

"You love me?" I asked, I heard him chuckling on the other side of the line, "Is it that hard to believe?" He asked me.

"Listen Vince... I don't hate you, fuck I love you too, but I don't want my heart smashed to shreds," I told him, rubbing tears away from my face that I didn't even notice had fallen.

"Is that what you think I'll do to you?" He asked, "Vincey, I've been with music dudes before, they always leave to fuck the groupies, they don't need the romance, they just need to get off and leave," I chuckled, my voice cracking a few times, god damn it.

"Come over," he said, "Huh? Vince it's 1 in the morning," I chuckled, "Than I'll come over," he said.

"No, you've had a few, I'll come over," I decided, "Whatever, I just need to see you," he said, I rolled my eyes, once we had hung up, I got in my car and drove the 30 minutes to his house.

My eyes we're heavy but I got there in one piece, climbing up to the front door and knocking.

"Hi," I yawned as he opened, he pulled me inside making me yelp.
"Ow, Vince!" I whined as he slammed me against a wall, "Sorry," he chuckled and hugged me, "You saw me three hours ago," I sighed and put my arms around his shoulders.

"I needed you to be here with me," he told me, leaning back to look into my eyes, "I'm not driving back tonight you know," I said, "Good," he smiled and took my hand, taking me into his room, "Woah, that's a nice set up," I said and laid on his bed, he smiled and sat beside me, playing with my hair.

"I thought your type was bimbos?" I smiled, "No, my type is sexy bartenders," he said, I rolled my eyes and played with his soft hair, "My type is bimbos," I smirked, "Oh, fuck you," he said making me laugh.

I sat up, chuckling as he gently slapped my thigh, "Hey Vince...?" I asked, "Huh?" He asked, "You know, if we did be together, wouldn't that be too fast for love?" I smiled, he groaned at my stupid joke making me giggle.

"Well, we've known each other since that album," he said, "Nearly seven years... Shit," I said.

We sat together, talking about our relationship, before he grasped my jaw and kissed me softly, it felt forced but I didn't mind either way.

He pulled away and brushed my hair out of my face.
"You're mine now," he smirked, "You sound like a hoe," I said making him sigh, I laughed and hugged him tightly, smiling as he pulled me on to his lap, "Fuck you," he smiled, "Oh I bet you'd love that," I laughed, "Careful, I haven't fucked in a month," he said, "You poor baby," I cooed.

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