Tommy Lee #42 | The new guy.

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Body's, body's, body's.

God so fuckin sticky. The club was sweaty, stinky and loud, fuck and the grinding was disgusting and uncomfortable.

Tommy found himself slouching at a booth, legs spread and hands boredly laid out on the table, it was too... Hot.

He sighed, raking his fingers through his hair and grabbing hold of his glass of Scotch, pouring it down the hatch before he noticed a young waitress, she looked shy and fidgety.

"H-hi... How can I... I help you?" She stuttered, "More Scotch please, what's your name by the way?" He asked, "Y/N.." She blushed, "Nice to meet you, I'm Tommy," he smiled and shook her hand, she smiled a little and grabbed his glass, making way to the bar and refilling it.

She passed it over and he took it down in one hit.
"So, how long have you worked here?" Tommy asked, "Not long, I just moved here with my baby, I'm trying to give my baby girl a good life..." She murmured nervously.

"Oh, how old is she?" Tommy smiled, chewing on the pieces of ice in his drink, "Nearly one and a half, she grows fast..." She chuckled softly, "They do don't they? Aww, I'd love to meet her, babies are just the cutest," Tommy chuckled, "I'm sure one day, maybe..." She shrugged.

He wrote his number down and slot it in her pocket on her chest, "Call me," he winked before sauntering out of the bar, leaving a very flustered waitress behind.

She hummed to herself as she cleaned her car, rinsing the sponge before running it over the windows.
"Hey! Hey you're that chick from the club," she turned to see Tommy, "Tommy!" She smiled, "How's it been? How's little one?" He asked, "She's doing good, besides the strange rash she's got on her tummy she's doing great," she said softly, "Aww, is she okay?" He frowned, "Mhm, she just cries if it begins to burn, poor thing," she said and got the hose, rinsing off the car.

"Poor baby... Hey, could I meet her?" He asked, hopeful, eyes widening with a smile on his face.

"Yeah of course, just let me finish this," she smiled and got the wheel which was covered in soap before turning the hose off and making her way inside, she came out holding a toddler in her arms.

"This is Myla," she smiled, "Hey Myla, aren't you cute?" Tommy smiled and waved at the little girl, she smiled widely making him coo.
"Can I hold her?" He asked, Y/N nodded, passing the precious little one over and chuckling as Tommy was baby talking her.

"Who's the cutest baby? You are, you are!" He huffed and kissed her cheek, smiling as she giggled and waved her hands around, grabbing hold of his nose and giggling up at him.

"Isn't she gorgeous?" Her mother smiled softly, "Absolutely, hey... Might have to steal her," Tommy joked, "You try that and I'll kick your butt mister, she's my angel," She smiled making him chuckle.

"She sure is gorgeous," he smiled and played with her soft hair. "So is the dad not In the picture or...?" Tommy asked, "Oh no, he left, long story short he blamed me, he should've worn a rubber but... Ya know, men!" She joked making him nod, "I'm sorry about that and all, she's sweet, harmless and cute," he chuckled, lifting her shirt to inspect the rash, "Poor baby," he frowned and kissed her cheek a few times making her giggle, squealing as she tried grabbing his face.

"Well, I'd love to see you again some time Y/N," he smiled softly, "Me too, hey, maybe we could organize something, I'm free all weekend," she said, "Great, tomorrow night, my house, movies?" He asked, she smiled and nodded, "Call me," she mocked and threw him a wink as he passed the baby over, "Oh I will, bye babe~" he winked and blew a kiss as he walked off, leaving her with a smile and in awe.

"Ahhh!" Myla hummed, "I know, isn't he handsome?" She smiled, 'uhhh!' "How about a new daddy huh?" She asked, 'Uhhh!'

Tommy smiled as he heard all of that, making his way down the footpath with a pep to his step.

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