Nikki Sixx #9 | Those beautiful lips

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Nikki was one for a cigarette, anytime anywhere, he needed one.
So as he was outside smoking, his leg resting on the wall with his back against it, he couldn't help but notice a particularly beautiful girl.

This wasn't the type of girl he'd just fuck. This was the type of girl he'd fall for.
She was beautiful. Big beautiful green eyes, darker then his, black slightly wavy hair and her lips painted red.

As she noticed him staring, she sent him a wink and walked into the building. He chuckled to himself, dropped his cigarette and stomped on it before following her.

"Hey!" He called, she turned her head around, her beautiful eyes finding his, as she noticed it was him, she smirked and turned around.

"Yes?" She smiled, "I... Well I thought you were pretty... I wanted to get to know you," he said, she chuckled and jumped down the rest of the stairs, she was far shorter then him, but she still gave him butterflies.

She rested a hand on his chest as she looked up at him. "Same place... At Sixx?" She smirked, "Same place..." He smirked back.

She chuckled to herself and kissed his cheek.
"I'll see you soon Mr. Sixx," she smiled, giving a small wave and going back upstairs.

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