Mick Mars #4 | Sunglasses.

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-readers name is Dessy for this-

I walked around trying to find Mick, where the hell is that guy?
"Mick!" I called, "Boo!" He yelled making me squeal, "Mick!" I laughed and swatted his arm, he cackled mischeiviously while I took in a deep breath, "Man you scared me so bad," I giggled.

"Let's go back to the hotel," he said, and so we walked side by side as we went to the hotel.
"You're an asscheek," I smiled, "Yeah sure," he chuckled and grabbed my hand.
Butterflies erupted in my stomach as he took me to the entrance.

His sunglasses covered his eyes as he guided me around.
"Mick?" I asked, he hummed, "Do you play acoustic much?" I questioned, "Yeah, it all depends on the mood," he shrugged.

"I like your tattoos," I mumbled, he looked down at me as I traced one on his arm, "Thank you," he said and we arrived at our hotel room.

We're roommates as he's the most responsible out of the band.
We walked in and I laid on the couch as he sat across from me, gazing out the window.

I tried sleeping but it didn't work.
I sighed softly and turned on my side.
Mick looked over at me, "Micky?" I asked, "What?" He asked, "Can you play me something? Please?" I pouted, "I guess I could..." He sighed.

He got up and walked off, all while I played with my nails, waiting for him to come back.
He came back with an acoustic guitar, sitting down and tuning his guitar, "Are you trying to sleep?" He asked, I nodded, "I'll name this one, 'Dessy slumber'," he smirked making me giggle.

His soft guitar playing made me smile as I watched him so effortlessly play the chords.
I learnt guitar a while back, he taught me when we were kids.

He learnt back when he was 7, so he's been playing for quite some time.

I smiled and he put it down gently, walking over, he looked down at me and I turned on my back, he laid beside me, putting an arm around my waist making me blush.

"Dessy...?" He mumbled, I hummed, "I love you," he said, I smiled and felt my face go even redder, "I love you too," I smiled, he grinned and pulled me in for a kiss.

His sunglasses masked over his face still as he held me flush against his body.
"Micky? Why do you wear your sunglasses all the time?" I asked, he took them off and placed them on the coffee table, "I don't like eye contact," he chuckled, "Your eyes are pretty..." I smiled, "Thank you, so are yours," he said staring into my green eyes.

"I love you Dessy..." He whispered, "I love you too Micky Mouse," I smirked, he tickled me making me cackle as he didn't stop.

"No please! I'm sorry!" I giggled, he chuckled and leaned in, kissing me softly before pulling my head to his neck.

"Go to sleep honey," he murmured.

As I woke up, I got up and went around, trying to find Mick.

"Micky?" I asked, he hummed and walked in, putting his arms around me.
"Can you imagine the bands reaction?" I giggled, "Oh god... Those idiots will never let it go. You know how many times they fought over you?" He asked.

"Really? Well I just like my men intelligent I guess," I hummed making him laugh.

"I love you," he chuckled and kissed me softly, I giggled and pecked his nose.
"I love you too," I smiled.

"How about we keep it secret for a while?" He questioned, I nodded and the phone went off.

He grabbed it and held it to his ear.
He hung up and rolled his eyes, "It's Vince, he wants us down at their dorm," he said, I went hand in hand with him down to their dorm.

"Hey! We're playing truth or dare!" Vince said and let us in.
Mick groaned and stomped in behind me making me giggle.

I sat on the floor with the guys while Mick sat on the couch.
"Okay, Mick, truth or dare?" Tommy asked, "Dare...?" Mick said, "Okay! I dare you to kiss Dessy!" He snickered.

As if that was bad... He rolled his eyes and knelt down, kissing me softly before going back to the couch.

He put his sunglasses back on and kept a stoic look on his face as he did so.

A few rounds passed, Tommy was covered in food condiments, Nikki was nearly naked, Vince had blue hair dye on the tips of his hair and Mick... Well he was Mick.

"Okay, Dessy!" Vince said, "Truth," I said, "If you could fuck anyone here, who would it be?" He asked as he went to the sink to wash out the dye.

"Mick," I said, "WHAT?! BUT HE'S OLD!" They all said making me laugh, Mick flipped them off, "Yeah, but he's a lot smarter and responsible then you guys," I smiled, "Bitch," Nikki muttered.

"Fuck off Nikki," Mick said, "Why should I huh?" Nikki sneered, "Because, don't talk to Dessy like that!" Mick said getting up.

"Why not? You love her or something?" Nikki asked, "Boys!" I called, they looked down at me, "Calm down, it's okay," I said.

"But..." Mick said, "Micky, it's okay," I smiled.

"Now, if you must know, yes, we love each other, problem?" I asked, "YOU WHAT?!" Vince yelled, "It was only discussed today, so calm down," I chuckled.

Mick was going red, I stood up and pecked his cheek, "Now leave the poor man alone," I smiled.

They sighed and sat down as I sat beside Mick.

"So... Are you gonna make babies?" Tommy asked making us laugh, even Mick chuckled.
"Mate, calm down," Mick said making me giggle.

"Never play truth or dare with these guys again," Mick whispered in my ear, I giggled, "They'll probably make us make babies," I whispered back.

"Now is that such a  bad thing?" He smirked, I rolled my eyes and giggled.

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