Nikki Sixx #23 | Mummy issues.

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Reader is Sophie.


Mothers day was coming up in a month, my mother had called me just now to ask if I was coming over to visit.

I told her I would and she kept asking what I was getting her, I made a joke like, 'oh nothing haha' and she took it the wrong way and is now screaming at me, calling me ungrateful and saying how my siblings hate her as well.

I held the bridge of my nose and the boys walked in.
"You know what? No, I'm not coming over for mothers day, I hope you fuckin rot in hell," I said and slammed the phone down, I sighed and rubbed my face.

"You good?" Tommy asked, "No, I'm not good, my stupid mother tells me to grow the fuck up over mothers day! What about my birthday, the times she got drunk and left to go fuck some dude who was half her age? I hate that stupid cow!" I groaned and pulled at my hair as I sat down.

"Sounds like my mum and yours were born in the same factory," Nikki chuckled, I snorted and sighed as I pulled my hair into a pony tail.

"Now she's calling me inconsiderate because I'm not my step dads child... He didn't fucking make me?! I can't go back in time and fix it?!" I huffed.

"Let's just take a breather," Nikki said, he got up and we went outside.

We stood outside and he played with my hair as he hugged me.
"I get it you know..." He said, I hummed and he rubbed my back.

I sighed and hugged him, "Mums can be a right pain in the ass man," I giggled, he pulled away slightly, "Don't cry..." He said as I was crying slightly, "Oh shush," I said, he hugged me and rubbed my back.
"I know man, but it'll be okay," he said and kissed my head.

"Just focus on you," he said, "And your amazing hugs," I said making him chuckle, "They're pretty great," he sighed making me laugh, "You're a dork," I smiled, "Mm, mhm," he smiled and poked my nose.

"At least I have you, ya big idiot," I smirked, "Heyyy, I'm very smart," he pouted making me giggle.

He smiled and we held hands as we looked out around us.
It was... Peaceful.

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