Tommy Lee #45 | Bad girl boogie.

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Her hips swayed, her tongue glided over her lips and her eyes were piercing into his soul as she slowly walked over, he stared at her hips the whole way she walked over to him.

"Hey," she smirked and placed her hands on his chest, he drank a bit of his Jack and looked down at her, "Hey," he smirked and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"I just wanted to say, you did real good on stage tonight, I loved you guys show," she smiled softly, being on tour with him, she was up on stage in thirty minutes.

"Why thank you, well I hope you do well sugar," he told her, "Thanks," she chuckled, "A sip of Jack for liquid luck?" He suggested, passing the bottle to her, she had a sip and pursed her lips before, sticking her tongue out lightly, "First taste?" He chuckled, she nodded, "You get used to it," he told her and played with her soft hair.

"I'll see you after the show?" She asked, "Yeah of course, I'll be here waitin' yeah?" He smiled, she nodded and gave him a kiss to the cheek before walking off to get ready.

"Wow..." He said in awe as he sat down.

The show was amazing, she would scream into the mic while playing her guitar, the singer and her would take turns singing lines and Mötley watched from the side lines, watching the only girl in their band as she was hyper and could shred like no other.

"Wow..." Tommy smirked, watching as she was on stage banging her head and playing her riffs, she was stomping one leg while playing... Definitely Nikki's brother.

"Hey that's my sister man!" Nikki jokingly scolded, "Says the motherfucker who wanted to fuck my mother!" Tommy barked making him laugh.

After the show she was sweaty, dramatically collapsing against Tommy's arms.
"Ugh... I'm dying," she said and tossed her head back as he chuckled and held her close.

"Come on 'dying'," he smiled and took her to the lounge.
She was relaxed, laying against his chest and bathing In the air conditioner.

As time passed, she ended up getting in a fight with some girl who called her a slut.
"Call me a slut one more time!" She yelled and grabbed the girl by the hair, "Only sluts wear skimpy outfits!" She hissed and spat on her and kicked her out the door, locking it behind her.

"The audacity of some people!" She groaned and plonked down on Tommy's lap, playing with her fingers as she pouted.

"You taught her sis, high five!" Nikki said, they did their secret high five and she bit his hand gently at the end and he did the same to her.

"Fuckin weirdos," Tommy said, "Fuck you fuckin drummer, no one cares what you have to say," she said and laughed as he looked highly offended (jokingly of course), "Fuck you!" He huffed and flicked her forehead gently making her snicker.

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