Vince Neil #41 | I'm tired too.

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The day ticked on slowly, while Vince was in the studio working on their new album, his wife was at home watching TV and trying not to fall asleep as she waited for her lover to come home.

Even as he turned his motorbike off, he was a mess on his feet, nearly falling off his bike as he hopped off and dragging his feet as he made his way to the door.

"Sleep..." He sighed and rubbed his eyes, jabbing the door knob with his key and grumbling before he finally managed to open the door.

He saw the most beautiful sight, his wife sitting on the couch, head back, arms over the back of the couch and hair a swirly mess.

He walked over and smiled as he saw her lips were parted and eyes shut.
Vince carefully leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to her lips, she hummed tiredly and opened her eyes.

"Hey..." She murmured, "Hey, honey," he smiled, "I missed you," she yawned, "I missed you too, what ya been watching to keep yourself busy?" He asked, looking at the screen to see Looney Toons playing, "Wise choice, you are my wife after all," he grinned making her chuckle a little.

"I just wanna go to bed and cuddle," she hummed, "Sounds like a great plan, but I gotta shower babe, I stink," he frowned making her chuckle slightly, "Carry me?" She pouted, he picked her up bridal style and carried her to their room, smiling as she kissed his chin a few times, "I'll be back soon," he smiled and grabbed some clothes.

"Babe?" She hummed tiredly, "Yeah?" He asked, looking over his shoulder at her, "Did you eat?" She asked, "Yeah babe, had some burritos with the boys," he smiled softly, she nodded her head and sat up so she wouldn't sleep so fast.

He came back to see her head dipping a few times, he chuckled, grabbing a wet strand of his hair and putting it against her cheek, "Mm, babe!" She whined making him smile as he laid next to her, pulling her down with him making her squeal.

"I love you," he sang and kissed her softly a few times, "I love you too Vinny Neil," she hummed, "That's great to know, now go to bed," he chuckled and turned their lamp off, kissing her neck a few times as they laid stuck to each other, slowly falling asleep.

The next morning, she whined as she was too tired to be up.
"Hey, I'm tired too!" Vince huffed.

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