Nikki Sixx #43 | Rock my world

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The club was rockin, there was a band up on stage that killed it and they fucking looked decked out in glitter and leather.
The band who were enjoying their beers stared up at them, curious yet Mick just went back to drinking vodka after a while.

"Didn't know girls could shred like that," Nikki scoffed out a laugh as the guitarist was a girl. "Didn't know bassists had talent," She called as she heard him, his jaw fell to the floor before he smirked, Tommy and Vince nudged his arm and cheered as he grinned and hid behind his bottle of Jack.

As they were off the stage, she was talking to some random guy, flirting with him and feeling him up.
"Ohh, lover boy how's it feel man? Knowing she's flirtin with another man?" Vince teased, Nikki got up and took one last gulp of Jack before walking over to her, he spun her around and had his hands on her waist.

"Come on baby, why don't you hang out with the rock star huh?" He asked and grabbed her chin, tilting her head up and smirking down at her. "I should be asking you that, huh rock star?" She teased and played with his hair.

"Come on, I'll show you a good time," he grinned, his red lipstick alluring and shining under the lights.
"I tell ya what, you take me back to your place, we have some fun... Bottle of Jack, how's it sound?" She smirked and ran her fingers down his chest slowly, going further down as she went, "I like the sound of that baby," he grinned.

Within a blink of the eye he grabbed her bridal style and began walking out with her, hearing Tommy and Vince laughing as he put her on the back of his Harley and drove off to his hotel room.

"Baby I'm gonna rock your world," She whispered in his ear as they went up the stairs, that only made him run up those stairs faster, eager to get to the top to claim his reward.

The talking in his ear, the touches of her hands traveling down his back, around his hips and lingering there made him strain against his pants.

He threw the door open, kicking it close behind him and gasping as the wind was knocked out of him. She took her silver sunglasses off and kissed down his neck, leaving purple lipstick in its trace, "Told you," she whispered, licking up his neck to his jaw, "Fuck, that tongue of yours is really something," he groaned and threw his head back, "Oh I know..." She whispered and began tugging at his striped black and white suit.

"You look delicious in your suit, yknow?" She grinned and began taking pieces of it off, "Bet I'd look better without it," he smirked, "Oh I bet," she smirked and unbuckled his belt and began tearing his bottoms off.

"Take your shot, you got me dead bang," he breathed in her ear, "I'm going to show you, just how much talent a lady can have," she hummed and left open mouthed kisses all down his jaw before kneeling down.

(Idk if I should make a part two I'm bad at smut. 😭)

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