Tommy Lee #23 | Cold.

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The boys were standing in the cold, they had been waiting for their bus for about thirty minutes.
"Ah fuck it! Let's wait inside!" Mick said so they walked back inside and got under the blankets on the couch.

Meanwhile, a young girl with beautiful hair was sliding around on the ice, Tommy saw her through the window and watched her.

"What ya lookin at man?" Vince asked and sniffled slightly, they had all caught colds from how freezing it was.

He looked over, "She's pretty, go talk to her man, god knows how long we'll be waiting for this bus," he told him.

Tommy got up and slid over to her, not as graceful as she was, he slipped a bit and wobbled his arms.

"Hey," he said, she turned, "Hi..." She said shyly, "My name is Tommy," he said, "I know," she nodded.

He stood there awkwardly and the boys watched them from inside, "God he's awkward," Nikki said, "Give him time," Mick said sitting back.

Tommy slipped a bit, she grabbed onto him and held his arms to held him stay up right.
"Thanks..." He blushed.

"U-um... Well were waiting on our bus so I might not see you again for about a month..." He murmured, "B-but... I thought you were pretty... I wanted to know you... Better..." He said, god he sounded so nervous.

"Oh, I can give you my number... If you want?" She asked, he smiled brightly, "Yes, please," he said.

She got a piece of paper from her bag and giggled, "Turn around," she said, he turned and she used his back as a table.

"Here you go, tell me all about the show when you can," she smiled, "Wait... Why don't you come with us?" Tommy asked.

"Oh I can't... I'd have to pack..." She said, "Oh, yeah," he sighed.

"No! Wait we have tons of girls clothes," he exclaimed, she raised a brow, "That sounded better in my head..." He said making her laugh.

He smiled a bit and she held his hand making him blush, "You're so funny," she giggled making him chuckle softly.

"I know," he nodded proudly making her smile widely.
"I don't think I can come with for the full thing... But I can drive over?" She hummed, "Y-yes... Thatd be great!" He agreed.

She smiled and kissed his cheek, "Go back into the warmth," she smiled, "What about you? I just realized you're only wearing a singlet and some shorts!" He gasped.

"I'm okay, I just can't handle the heat, I love the cold," she smiled, "Weirdo," he smiled.

"There's your bus," she said, "Oh shoot! Promise me you'll come?" He asked, "I promise now go on," she smiled, "Wait, what's your name?" He asked.

"Y/N," she smiled.

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