Nikki Sixx #35 | Say you'll haunt me.

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-inspired by a Chris Motionless book I read-

Y/N was out buying a new house.
She found the real estate agent a little fishy as they were trying to hurry it up.
"Sign here," they said, tapping their foot, they looked anxious.

She grabbed the pen and signed it, they quickly got out of there, "Hey! You forgot the money!" She called after them, they just got in the car and drove off.

"What the hell?" She sighed, "Weirdoes..." she said picking up the envelope filled with cash.

She made her way to the kitchen, looking around the place.
"Damn, that looks gross!" She said as the sink was green under the counter.

She groaned and grabbed some cleaning equipment, using her shirt as a cover for her nose as she cleaned it.

She occasionally heard tapping sounds, but she ignored it (as every white girl does in horror movies).
"There! Good as new!" She smiled, she went outside and chucked out the dirty water, throwing the sponge in the bin and putting the bucket outside by the door.

Her eyes were curious as she looked around, "This place is too quiet," she sighed, as soon as she said that, something upstairs moved, like a cupboard scraping along the floor.

She frowned, "Now if I'm correct, that's what every white girl in horror movies goes towards," she said.

She shrugged and began unboxing stuff.
She hummed a song as she put books on furniture, stacking them in the living room, before starting with the kitchen, she tested the stove, using the fire tool, it ignited, good.

She turned the stove off and swung her hips as she got more and more tired.
"What am I doing?" She frowned as she dropped a pile of clothes, she put them down and went upstairs, opening each door and looking around.

One of the bedrooms caught her eye, as she walked in, she felt warm and protected.
That's the one.

She grabbed her boxes and put them down, making herself at home.
"I'm gonna go for a shower," she told herself, "Why am I talking out loud?" She asked herself.

She frowned and took a towel and some clothes.

Nikki watched her walk off, what a strange girl...

She's weird.. But cute, I like her. - He thought, he smiled slightly and crept to the corner of the room.

I know what you're thinking, Nikki, not following a girl to the bathroom especially if she can't see him? What's wrong with him?!

She came back, Nikki may be a ghost, but oh my god... He swore his heart beat just then.
She was wearing black pajamas, satin material with a pentagram on the top piece, wow...

She stayed up for a while longer, she grabbed a book and opened it, it was about the afterlife, she found it interesting.

Something about her, is that she loves spirituality, and she loves ghosts, yes, she believes in them.

She grabbed her lamp and put it beside her on the floor, turning the light off and reading intently.

Nikki watched her, hope drained over him, maybe, maybe she'll be able to get him back.
He just lingers and he hates it.

He pushed a book off her bed, she looked at it, she grabbed it and took a look at the cover before putting it back down.

Nikki was fuming.
He grit his teeth and raised his arms, wind made her pages turn, her hair go up in a poof and the windows to shut and close furiously.

Then he stopped, huffing slightly.
She just looked shocked, before a look of awe traced her features.

"How do I communicate to you?" She asked looking all over the room, so she does believe he exists...

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