Nikki Sixx #15 | Dinner date.

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Your boyfriend Nikki was barely around with you. When he was, he went for walks with you and cuddled up to you.

Sometimes you fought over it, you felt like you were barely around your tree of a boyfriend. Yes tree, he's tall, not as tall as Tommy, but still... He's tall.

Just as you were about to go to your room for the night, you got a call.
You answered it and it was Mick!
"Hey Mick," you smiled, "Hey, do me a favour?" He asked, "Yeah of course," you said, "I want you to go outside and look around at the floor," he said and hung up.

You frowned, what the fuck?
You went outside anyways and noticed a pile of red roses.

You made your way, following the red roses, picking them up as you went. You loved roses...

You suddenly bumped into a warm chest, making you shriek and drop all of the roses.
"Hello beautiful," you smiled up at your boyfriend, "Nikki! You scared me!" You giggled, he gave a soft chuckle and put the rose he was holding behind your ear.

"Care for a date?" He asked, he was wearing black leather jeans, his leather jacket and a button up shirt with a tie.
"Aww, you look so handsome," you giggled as you put your hands on his waist and looked up at him, "Mhm," you nodded.

"Good, let's go then?" He asked, "I'm in my pajamas," you giggled, "Ugh! Fine, don't take a million years," he said, "You know I won't Sixxer," you smirked and kissed him softly before dashing inside to get dressed.

You walked back down, wearing a black leather dress you knew Nikki loved when you wore it.
"Woah..." He said, "Well hello..." He smirked making you giggle.

"Well hello," you curtseyed, "Let's go," he said holding the door for you, you walked out and he slapped your butt making you laugh.

"Easy tiger," you smiled, "How could I resist?" He grinned making you laugh.
He got on his bike and you hopped on behind him, putting your leg on his lap while the other rested comfortable, your arms around his waist as he zoomed down the road.

"Let's rock baby," he smiled as he took you inside a pub, you ordered your food and you blushed as he smirked at you from across, "Hello," you giggled making him chuckle, "Hello," he said and reached under the table to stroke your thigh, you blushed and giggled, leaning over to kiss him softly.

"I love you," you said, "I love you too," he smiled, "Can you do me a favour?" You asked, turning into a tomato, "What?" He asked, "Can you stop being so damn hot?" You smiled making him chuckle.

"When you stop I'll stop," he winked making you giggle.
You held hands as you waited for your dinner, "Pretty angel," he mumbled under his breath, "Mm, I'd marry you..." He muttered, your blush went up increasingly, he looked up and laughed, "Baby your face is so red!" He said as he took your face in his hands, "Shut up! Stupid rockstar!" You squeaked and covered your face.

He chuckled and scooted to sit next to you on the leather couch, "I love you baby," he said rubbing your thigh gently and giving gently nips to just under your eye, you giggled and kissed his cheek, "I love you too old fart," you smiled, "Heyyy!" He pouted making you smile brightly.

He chuckled and kissed you softly. "You're lucky I'm madly in love with you," he sighed, "I know I am... You're lucky I love rock n roll," you grinned, "Damn right hot stuff," he smirked and kissed you softly.

The rest was history.

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