Mick Mars #24 | Long day.

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Hair, a thing people envy of others, a thing many never want to lose.
If you weren't aware, Mick has lots of it.
His beautiful long black hair, usually teased at the top and kept messy at the lengths.

His girlfriend had an intense love to it, she loved how soft it was when he let her brush it, how fluffy it got the morning after putting hair treatment on it, even when he would let her cuddle him and play with his soft black hair.


"Babeeeee!" I whined as I walked in, my thighs, hips and back killing me from my long day at work, even my feet hurt from working so much.

"Ughhh! Babe!" I huffed, taking off my shoes at the door, "In our room love!" He called.

I went upstairs and puffed a loose strand of my hair from my face and walked into their room.
He was on the bed reading a book, he put it down after marking the page and I crawled over.

"Hi," I sighed, "Hi, how was today?" He asked.

"It was good, hung out with my friends, studied in the library, did some work at the cafe, did some uni work, lecture Hall sucked ass, then I did some working out... Mick my whole body hurts!" I groaned making him chuckle softly.

"You wait here," he said softly and walked off, I laid down and heard the tub running, I smiled, that man is so caring all the time.

"Baby Cakes, do you want banana, strawberry or mint?" He asked, "Mm... All of them," I giggled, he chuckled and walked back to the bathroom.

I rested my hands on my stomach, he walked back in and kissed my forehead, "Come on," he smiled and walked me to the bathroom, "See this shit? See how much I love you?" He asked, "Yeah, thank you baby, I love you," I giggled and hugged him.

"I love you too princess," he said, "Now get nakey," he said, "You'd love to see me nakey," I giggled, "I know," he winked, I blushed and giggled, "Someone's a dirty perv," I smiled, "Oh please, says the chick who would not stop checking me out when we met," he scoffed, "What can I say? You were so hot, being distant while the others were being stupid," I pouted.

"Whatever, get in the bath before it gets cold," he chuckled making me giggle, "Ooh, strip tease," I wiggled my brows, "Whatever, I've seen you naked a million times," he chuckled and closed the window, closing the curtains and closing the door, "You're a dork," he smiled, "You love me," I said as I sat in the warm water.

"Sadly," he said as he sat on the closed toilet and stared into space.
"Baaaaabeeeee," I whined, "What?" He chuckled, standing up and walking over, "Can you rub my back?" I pouted, he chuckled and got down on the floor, "God I'm an old man," he groaned, "I know!" I smiled, he gasped making me giggle, "Mean!" He pouted and rubbed my back, I giggled and he lathered my hair in shampoo, "You've got such pretty eyes, and boobs," he said making me laugh, "I know, you're a dirty perv," I giggled, "Heyy, you signed up to date the alien, so you get the full package," he said.

"Ooh, the full package?" I smirked and wiggled my brows, "Stop it," he chuckled and washed out the shampoo from my hair.

"Wanna make out?" I asked, "No, because we both know it would turn into more then an Innocent makeout," he said.

"What's wrong with that?" I giggled, he rolled his eyes while I continued to giggle.

"Just shut up," he smiled making me laugh.

"Baby!" I whined, "Whaty?" He chuckled, "You know my stomach is an organ?" I asked making him snort, "You get so wild at night baby," he smiled and pressed our foreheads together, "Mhm, wild side," I giggled and kissed his cheek, "You've got a big head," I said, he laughed and as he helped me out of the bath, he wrapped my towel around me.

"I can just flash you," I giggled and opened the towel, "Wow, never seen that before," he rolled his eyes making me laugh.

After a while, we were in the bedroom, I played with his hair and smiled, "You're such a dork," he said tiredly, "You love me," I smiled and kissed him softly.

"Mhm, I love you so much baby," he said making me blush as he closed his eyes, "I love you too Micky," I smiled and turned off the lamp.

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