Nikki Sixx #49 | Love of my life II.

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Pt II requested by NikkiSixx_Girl

"Tommy? Ugh... Tommy?" Heather huffed, patting his arm, Tommy was staring at Kayla who was giggling with Nikki at the bar, the bassist was smirking and flirting playfully with her, his arms around her waist as he kissed her softly.


Tommy jumped and turned to his new girlfriend, "Huh? What?" Tommy asked, "Oh forget it!" Heather grumbled and crossed her arms.

Tommy felt a pang to his gut, he missed Kayla... He fucked up, he knew he'd never get her back but he wanted to make things right.

"I'll be back..." Tommy said and got up, he walked over, Nikki raised a brow and Kayla sighed.

"Look um... What I did, was really fucking wrong and... I know I hurt you, really really bad... But I just wanted to say I'm really sorry and... Can we just be friends?" Tommy asked Kayla softly, she looked up at Nikki and sighed, "Yeah, I guess we can be friends... You're still an ass," she smiled softly and punched his shoulder, he chuckled slightly and nodded, "Yeah I know..." He smiled, "Well, Nik I'll see you in the studio later," he said, "Yeah, bye dude," Nikki said and patted his shoulder as Tommy walked back to Heather who was now ignoring him.

"Heather... Come on I only apologized," Tommy said, "Why do you have to?! You're mine now!" Heather barked, "I... I know but I had to clear the air dude, I really fuckin hurt her..." Tommy frowned, she groaned and stormed out making him groan and slam his head into the table.

Nikki and Kayla walked over.
"Man... Girls are confusing!!" Tommy groaned, "I can see that," Kayla chuckled, "Least you were never confusing..." Tommy sighed, "Not coming onto your girl man!" Tommy said, raising his hands in defence, Nikki simply chuckled and shook his head with a smile, "Yeah yeah, it's all good," Nikki shrugged.

Heather was pissed off, the whole night she didn't talk to him, it was like that for a while, even when the new album came out she wouldn't talk, not even to congratulate him.

He sat there in the studio looking glum.

"Kayla? What are you doing here?" He asked as Nikki and Kayla walked in, Kayla shrugged and passed them all Christmas presents.

"Merry Christmas Tommy," she said and inside was a new pair of drumsticks which were signed by Roger Taylor.

He gasped loudly and hugged her tightly making her chuckle as she patted his back, "Thank you!" He said and looked at his drumsticks in awe, "Thank you! You'll... You won't regret this!" He promised making her laugh softly.

Every night, she went home to Nikki, every night, Tommy went home to Heather who ignored him.

Eventually, they split.

(Kayla I'm so sorry I had no ideas tbh).

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