Tommy Lee #30 | Spoil

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You were lucky.
You were Tommy Lee's girlfriend. He always teased you for being short, and he loved the way you laughed at him and called him a tree in return.

He loved when you sang and the first time he heard you, he nearly died from shock.
You were in the kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil as you sang 'Rockabye baby', the thought you with a baby and singing that peaceful melody... Made his heart explode.

Now here you here, holding your three month old baby, smiling as she looked curiously over at her daddy.
She looked just like him.

She smiled as he played with his drumsticks.
"Honey, I think you're gonna have to teach her," you chuckled, he looked over and chuckled as his little one squealed and babbled.

"Aww, taking on after her daddy," he smiled and poked her nose with the drumstick.
"Look at this honey," he said and twirled the sticks, she looked like she just gasped but no sound came out, she looked at him in shock making them both chuckle.

"Cutie," he smiled and took the little one into his arms.
"Hello darling," he said softly, she hummed and babbled like usual making him chuckle.
"Sing for her," he pleaded you.

So you did, he joined in as you both sang the chorus to 'Hush little baby' to her.
She hummed and slowly fell asleep, not before giving a big cute yawn.

Tommy cooed and put her to bed.


Years passed and she was six years old.
You guys were in the studio and little one was spinning around and giggling as she listened to them rehearse.

"Now that is adorable," Mick said and patted your shoulder, "Isn't she?" You giggled.

"Mama!" She said and ran over to hug you, "Mama, mama, mama," she hummed over and over, "What's the matter honey?" You hummed and picked her up.

"Where daddy?" She hummed, "Daddy's right there," you pointed, she looked at her daddy who was spinning the drumsticks and she squealed and giggled.

"Daddy!" She yelled, he looked over, "Hey baby!" He smiled and walked over, picking her up and kissing her cheek.

"Hi," he smiled and let her hold his drumsticks.
She fiddled with them and tried to do the drumstick trick he always does but she couldn't quite get it.

"Loop, loop," Tommy said and demonstrated, she got it and giggled.
"There ya go!" He cheered as she mastered it.

"Fast learner," Mick said ruffling her hair up.
"Isn't she?" Tommy chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"I love you baby," Tommy smiled.
"I love you too wife," he chuckled and kissed you, "I love you too," she chuckled.

Meanwhile, little one was spinning in circles (you get to name her) and giggling as she bumped into an amp.
"Oof," Tommy gasped, she giggled more and stuck her tongue out at him.

He did it back and they whined and kept trying to win.
God Tommy with kids is so fuckin cute.

A wide smile was on her face as she kissed her daddy's cheek, "Aww," he cooed, kissing her cheek in return.

"I love you sweetheart," he smiled.

"I love you too daddy! And Vinny, and Nikki, and MICKY," she giggled.

"Aww, love you to kid," they said.

She has the biggest heart ever.
Plus, she gets spoiled a lot, Tommy insists his cute baby girl deserves what ever she wants.

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