Nikki Sixx #26 | Look what the cat dragged in.

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The boys were all lounging around, in a fine hotel room, a beautiful open view of the city and of course, beer.

They had invited their friend over who of course, had to tag his little sister along.

As they got there, they all turned to look, Nikki felt like his jaw hit the floor as he looked at her.

She looked shy, she had gorgeous long slightly wavy hair and she was standing by her brother awkwardly.

"We don't bite, come on man!" Vince called, he took his sisters hand and walked over, making sure he was the one beside Mick as he didn't want her to be scared of uncomfortable.

"Who's this?" Tommy asked, "This is my sister Y/N," he smiled, "Y/N..." Nikki hummed, "Yeah, she got that name for her birthday," He smirked making them laugh.

He cracked open a beer while his sister stared into space, looking out the window at the view and her lips were slightly parted.

Nikki just looked in awe, she was beautiful...

She walked over to the window and sat down at the corner, staring out at the city.

It was busy, people racing around In their cars and pedestrians trying their best not to get squished by the traffic.

Nikki walked over and sat beside her.
"Nice view isn't it?" He asked, she nodded, "Yeah, reminds me of home..." She mumbled and looked around, a beautiful sunset was dimming the sky.

"What was it like?" Nikki asked.

"Mm... Peaceful, most the time at least, and a lot of music," she sighed, "Well, that is when my brother moved out and took me with him, we didn't have a quiet household, it was always... Chaos," she said, "I get what you mean," he said.

"My mother always went after the 'rock star's type guys while my father was never around, he left when I was a baby. I tried to call him but he denied ever having kids, so..." He sighed.

"Hey were kinda similar," she giggled and sat so their knees were almost touching, facing each other.

He smiled a bit, "Except you got big fluffy hair," she said, "You'd look like a pom pom if you teased all of yours," he chuckled as he played with her hair, "Yeah, I'll be like... You, but better," she smirked, "Oh really?" He smiled making her giggle.

"Yeah, I'm left handed, makes me rare huh?" She smiled, "Oh wow is you," he rolled his eyes making her giggle.

"Yeah but I'm taller then you," she said, "Mhm," he said sarcastically making her smile widely, her gorgeous smile... He felt his heart beat faster, he just smiled at her.

"What?" She asked, "Nothing, you're just really pretty," he smiled, "Oh, thanks... You're really pretty too," she giggled.

"Oh get a room," her brother scoffed, "Hey! What about those times you brought sluts back?! But I can't talk to someone? No fair!" She pouted making them all laugh.

"You are a man hoe though," she smiled making him snort, "Vince is the whore not me," he smiled.

"Bitch," Vince said, "You are a whore," she said, "If you fuck a lot of people, with no feelings attached, that makes you a whore," she hummed making them laugh.

"Bitch," Vince huffed, "Nuh uh, I'm the best, Nikki agrees," she smiled and put her arm around his shoulder.

"See? You like me better then Vince don't you?" She smiled, he chuckled, "Sure sure," he said, "See?! I'm the chosen one!" She yelled making them  all laugh.

"You're a dork, that's what you are," her brother said.

"No, I'm just the favourite, I'm your favourite sister," she said, "You're right there," he sighed.

"Hah! My other sisters can suck it! I'm the best, MEEEEE!" She yelled making them laugh.
"Are you high?" Tommy chuckled, "No, completely sober, all though I did have a lot of chocolate this morning," she giggled, "Oh no, sis!" He whined, "But it was so yummy," she giggled and put her arm around Nikki's shoulder and rested her head there, "You know how hyper you get!" He huffed, "Yeah... I'd rather eat lollies then get high or drink," she huffed.

"Why?" Tommy asked, "I have no experience in either so I wouldn't want to, plus someone in our family, like distant related, they died after 15 minutes of injecting it, right after they got into nursing school," she hummed.

"Damn, that's fucked," Vince said, "Yeahhh! You're gonna die!" She huffed, "No we won't," Tommy said, "Yes you will, I don't want you morons to die yet, yet," she smiled.

"Wow, thank you," Nikki said, "You are a ghostie, you are really gonna die if you don't stop," she said and poked his nose, "Mhm," he said.

She kept poking his nose, "You having fun there?" He chuckled, "Yeah, honk," she giggled making him laugh.

"You've got the weirdest sister ever," he said as she kept doing it, "Tell me about it..." He sighed.

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