Mick Mars #23 | Unintentional cuddle.

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This is just fucking great.
I'm on tour with the boys, who are my best friends, of course Vince flirts with me, Tommy calls me a small bean, Nikki always teases my hair and Mick, well, he's just chill and gives good hugs when I'm sad.

But... There's one issue right now.
I've got absolutely no where to go sleep.
The boys all have booked rooms and there's no room for me, so I have to pick someone to share with.

I don't wanna deal with the terror twins drugs and alcohol. I don't want Vince to rub all over me when I'm asleep...

Mick. He's the only one I can 100% trust. I trust all of them, but Mick I know won't hurt me or pressure me into anything.

I sighed and made my way over to Mick.
"Hey Mick?" I asked, "Mhm?" He hummed and blew smoke into my face, "I was wondering if I could share a room with you, I don't want the twins to force me into drugs and I don't want Vince to touch me in my sleep..." I murmured.

"Mhm, as long as you're not a lovey dovey weirdo," he shrugged, "Oh my god, thank you!" I sighed and hugged him, he patted my back and we went inside to his room.
Room number 4.

Nikki was in 6 of course, Tommy in 3 and Vince in 1.

I put my backpack on the floor in the corner and Mick plopped down on the bed, inside we had a small kitchen, a living room, a bathroom connected to the bedroom, and as previously mentioned, the bedroom.

I took my hair out of its bun and sighed dramatically, "It's so cold In here," I said as I turned the air con off.

"Go get changed in there," Mick said pointing to the bathroom, "Alright," I hummed and opened the bathroom door, going in with my bag and I picked out black pants and a Motley Crue jumper.

"Really?" He smirked, "Mhm," I giggled, "Point to who you think is my favourite," I said, he held my waist to keep me still making me blush, "Mm," he hummed, "This guy," he said poking his face on the jumper.
"How ever did you guess?" I giggled, he smirked up at me, "What can I say? I'm a genius," he winked.

"Genius you sure are, fluffy," I said patting the fluffy teased hair, "Oh shush," he smiled, "Can I brush it, please!" I pleaded, "Gentle," he said passing me his brush, "As gentle as ever," I promised.

I sat behind him and wrapped my legs around his waist as I brushed his lengths first. I gently brushed at the teased hair on his head and he rubbed my shine as they were in reach.

"You've got very gorgeous eyes," I said, "Why thank you... You do too," he chuckled.

"There ya go! Fluffy Micky!" I giggled, "You're the only one who can call me that," he smiled, "I'm your favourite that's why," I nodded.

"Don't tell anyone this," he sighed, "But true, you're not an idiot like the other boys," he smiled, "YEAHHHH! I'm the best!" I clapped happily, he chuckled and moved back, patting in front of him, I sat in front of him and he got the brush, brushing my long hair and humming a song.

"You've got such beautiful hair," he said, "Thank you, Mr. Mars," I giggled, "You're such a weirdo," he smiled, "I know, my name is Y/N weirdo Y/L/N!" I smirked, "Damn right," he laughed, "You're Mr. Mick Shreds Mars," I said, "Sounds right to me," he smirked.

As he finished brushing my hair, we sat facing each other and talking about random stuff.
"Micky?" I asked, "Hmm?" He hummed, raising his eyebrows slightly, "Thank you, for being my friend... It's like you're the only one who tries to understand me," I murmured, he paused for a second, before patting my hand, "It's fine kid, you should never have to thank someone for being a friend," he told me.

"I had, what I thought was a friend, back in high school, she used to fuck my boyfriend behind my back and she would always say how my boyfriend was looking for someone fit, beautiful, intelligent, someone who wasn't always sad and looking for her guitar for seldom..." I told him. He just listened. He didn't interrupt.

"I found her making out with him one time, he tried bribing me with money to get me to join in, she even said she sucks dick better then me," I said with a snort, "People are real cunts man," I said, he intertwined our fingers and hopped closer slightly.

"Well thank fuck they're out of your life, now you're with a rock n roll band!" He smirked.

"You wanna hear something funny?" I smiled and sat beside him, "Mm?" He asked, "Your last your when I was looking for you after a show, I ran into them, they asked if I had passes and I was feeling so good, like yes Karma!" I cheered making him chuckle.

"I was like, 'Oh yeah... For life actually', they thought I was lying and then Nikki popped up, she was head over heels and Nikki was like, 'What's up Y/N? Come on backstage with us, we're in need of Jack,' he said so I followed him and smirked over my shoulder at Dumb and Dumber," I snickered making him chuckle, "Bragging rights for life," he said rubbing my thigh, "You've got soft thighs," he said, "You've got rough hands," I giggled, he chuckled slightly, "We both do," he said doing the thumb thing to my thigh as he grabbed my hand with his other, "Calluses crew," he smiled, "Guitarist gang!" I smiled.

"You're a leftie," he said, "Yeah, 10%, you're just... Peh, 90% boring!" I scoffed making him laugh, "Thanks," he smiled.

At night, I got tired, I slipped off my shoes and laid down on the right side.
He laid down on his side and sighed as he looked up at the ceiling.

"Hey Y/N?" He asked, "Mhm?" I smiled, "I wanna tell you something... You can't tell the boys," he said looking at me, I held his hand and hummed, "I... I..." He blushed and sighed.

I moved closer to him, I rested my hand on his chest, "What?" I asked, "I'm... In... Love," he said, well that hurts, god Ive loved Mick for years, ever since I met him.

"Mhm, well tell her," I said, he rolled his eyes, "That's what I'm doing right now you idiot," he said, turning his head, he grabbed my jaw and kissed me softly making me gasp, I slowly eased into it and held his hand.

"I love you..." He blushed, "I love you too," I giggled, "Oh thank fuck," he sighed and held my waist.

"Heyyy, I thought you said no lovey dovey shit," I smirked, "Mm, that was before, now it's different," he said making me giggle and play with his hair.
"You're silly," I smiled, "You love it," he winked and kissed my forehead, "Mhm, I love you old man," I smirked, "I love you too you bitch," he chuckled making me smile.

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