Vince Neil #42 | Supermodel.

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God, those luscious long curls, those shining eyes, parted lips and that skin that looked like heaven to touch. Men and women alike found themselves drooling from just pictures of the talented supermodel, the way she posed, her outfit choices, the backdrops.

Hell, Vince was lucky to call himself her boyfriend. She's all his. His and his alone.

She tossed her keys on the counter and puffed out her lips dramatically, moving her soft hair out from her face. "Home early," The low voice made her squeak out in surprise, "Vince!" She gasped, happy her boyfriend was there before her for once, she jumped into his arms and smiled as he rocked her side to side.

"What are you doing home early?!" She gasped, "Just here to.. You know, be with my beautiful soon-to-be-wife, and you?" He smirked, her jaw dropped slightly as her face went red. Bright red. "Vince, stop," She giggled and gently slapped at his chest, smiling as he kissed her neck gently, "With my handsome soon-to-be-husband, they let me go early," She smiled and played with his blonde hair.

"Let you go early? Off the hook huh?" He grinned, "You bet your panties," She nodded making him snicker, "I'll bet yours," He winked, "Yeah yeah, you can do that later, if you're good," She smiled and hopped down from his arms, walking to the lounge where she laid on the couch and began to flick through channels.

"Tease,"  He said, spreading her legs so he could slot himself between them, cuddling up to her chest and sighing as she tangled her hands in his hair and gently tugged before relaxing, doing it over and over. "I love you Vincey Boy," She smiled, "I love you more Darlin," He hummed.

"Hey you know..." He hummed, smirking evilly, she sighed and rolled her eyes, "We could make one killer photoshoot together, think of it... Lace, silk..." He went on, "Are you just trying to get pictures of me in lingerie?" She frowned, "I mean yeah! Who wouldn't want their hot girlfriend's nudes in their wallet?" He scoffed, she chuckled and kissed his forehead.

"I have those magazines you know..." She said, "You bought every last one before we were together," She teased, smirking as he was the one to blush for once.
"Yeah... I know too good, but I want my own," He hummed, "You see it whenever you pound me to Kingdom Come and back," She said, rolling her eyes as he whined childishly, "Babyyyy," He groaned, "Fine..."

Hours later, Vince was grumbling as he set the camera on the tripod stand, "Ready?" She asked softly, biting her lip-gloss covered lip as she held the lace material, "Fuck yeah baby," Vince said, she dropped the soft material, letting it fall to the ground, "Ohh yeah!" He cheered and took pictures as she posed just for him.

Let's just say, a certain issue down there did not go un-noticed by either of them, but Vince acted not to care.

She even spread her lace underwear covered legs teasingly, he dropped his jaw and took a picture before pouncing on her, "Baby, the shoot," She pouted, "Ah fuck the shoot!"

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