Vince Neil #34 | Mum shifts.

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-Basically, Y/N has a two year old daughter, she never gets any sleep and the boys know something is wrong but they don't know that she is a mother-

All the boys knew something was up. Even Nikki who was high as a kite.
Every day she would walk in to hang out with them, and within about five minutes, she'd pass out, be dead asleep and impossible to wake up unless there was a high pitched scream or cry.

Mick had a hunch of what was wrong. He had a small theory that she was living with a baby or something along those lines, but he didn't know exactly the problem.

So now, the boys watched as she slowly fell asleep at the table, cheek against her bicep and her arm outstretched.

"What's with her?" Tommy asked, "No idea man," Nikki slurred.
"I think she might be living with a baby," Mick said, "A baby?" Vince asked, "Yeah, think about it, how many nights worth of sleep do you get when a baby wails in the ass crack of dawn?" Mick scoffed.

"Maybe... Maybe we could ask when she wakes up," Tommy said.

They were waiting for a while, until suddenly the sound of kids walking passed the house, one began crying so she immediately sat up and looked around.

"Don't worry, the kids outside," Tommy said, she got up and looked out the window, seeing a kid crying on the floor.

She got out of the house and jogged over, "Are you alright honey?" She asked softly, the little boy whimpered and pouted up at her.

"Can I see?" She asked and knelt down, he showed her the bloody wound on his knee.
"Ouchies, I'll fix it up for you," she smiled softly.

She picked him up, holding him at her hip as she walked inside.
"Woah," Vince said, "Hey kid," Tommy waved, the little boy pouted and waved slightly.

"Boys where are the bandaids?" She asked, "How big do you need?" Mick asked, she showed him the wound, "Alright," he said, she waited at the doorframe so he wouldn't be scared of being in a strangers house.

"What's your name honey?" She asked, "Kylo..." He pouted, "Aww, that's such a cute name," she giggled, "How old are you sweetie?" She asked, "Four," he said, "Four! You're so old," she huffed, he giggled in her arms making her smile.

Mick walked over with a tissue and some bandaids, he held the tissue to his knee and Y/N rubbed the little ones back.
"Where do you live?" She hummed, he told her his address, "I'll walk you home," she smiled.

Mick placed the bandaid over his knee and ruffled his thick brown hair up.
"Thank you," he said and high fived him, "All good little dude," Mick said.

"I'll be back," Y/N smiled and walked down the street with him.
"So Kylo, what do you like doing?" She hummed, "I like singing," he said, "Really?" She smiled, "Mhm," he nodded, "Me too, so does Vince," she chuckled.

"What's your name?" He asked, "Y/N," she said, "Otay," he hummed and bit his lip as she knocked on the door to his house.

A kind young lady opened it, she looked like she was about 20, so she must of been a teen mum.

"Oh my goodness, I was getting worried," she sighed and took him into her arms.
"Thank you so much, where did you find him?" She asked.

"He was outside our house crying, he had a busted knee so I and a friend patched him up," she smiled.

"Thank you so much," she smiled and handed her her number.
"Call me," she smiled, Y/N smiled and waved, she just made a new friend.

As she got back, she sat at the table, "Y/N?" Mick asked, "Mhm?" She asked.
"Do you have a baby in the house?" He asked, she paused and raised a brow.
"He thinks you have a baby in the house because you're always tired," Tommy explained.

She sighed, "I have a daughter," she said, "What?!" They all exclaimed.
"I know, I know, I was gonna tell you... Eventually," she sighed.

"How old is she?" Vince asked, "She's two," Y/N said.

"I wanna meet her," Nikki pouted, "Me too," Tommy agreed.
"You guys can meet her," she chuckled.

"Who's looking after her right now?" Mick asked, "My sister," she said.

After they had dinner, they went to her house. She smiled as her sister was a sleep on the couch.
"Shh," she said and they quietly followed her upstairs.

There in the crib was a cute little girl, she had chubby cheeks, her small hands were bawled into fists and she was spread Eagle.

"Aww," Tommy nearly squealed at how cute she is.
"I know," she chuckled quietly.

Little one slowly woke up, seeing strangers in her room.
"Hey baby girl," Her mother smiled and picked her up, kissing all over her face making her giggle.

"Look, these are my friends, Tommy, Nikki, Mick and Vince," she smiled, each one waved at the little baby.
She flapped her arms around and smiled widely.

"Aww, she's so cute!" Tommy cooed and held his hand out, she grabbed his finger and giggled, "I'm gonna die of cuteness," he squealed making them chuckle.

She let them hold her.
She was mostly drawn to Vince. She squealed and giggled, playing with his blonde hair, "Bubba!" She smiled and flapped her arms around.

"Aww," Y/N smiled.
"She only says that to people she really loves," She giggled.
"Bubbas!" She hummed pointing with three fingers are the three boys, "Aww," Tommy cooed.

"Can I have your child now?" Tommy asked, "No, she's my cutie," Y/N chuckled making him chuckle along.

Vince made silly faces making her giggle.
He kissed her cheek and she looked up at him, her mouth slightly open and her eyes staring into his, "She's got such beautiful eyes," Vince said in awe, "I know she does," Y/N smiled.

"What's her name?" Vince asked, "Myla," she smiled, "Myla... Nice to meet you, cutie," he smiled, she mocked him before, opening and closing her mouth in a kiss like manner.

He chuckled and kissed her forehead, she flapped her arms around and grabbed his face, leaning forward and kissing his chin, "Aww," he cooed, "My hearts melting," he pouted making them chuckle.

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