Nikki Sixx #11 | Pom Pom.

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-Your pov-

I sat beside my brother Tommy who was pleading to take my hair out of its bun and tease it.
"Ugh... You know what happened the last time! It took three hours to brush!" I pouted.

"Please sis, I'll be super careful!" He pleaded.
I sighed, "If you're gentle and you promise not to take a shit ton of hair out, then fine..." I sighed making him cheer.

He threw a cushion down on the floor and I got up.
"Let's show them your cool hair first," He giggled.

He took my hair out of the bun and it fell to my knees, "Woah!" They said in shock, "Is that real?!" Nikki screamed, "Yes it's real, my hair too," I said making them laugh.

I giggled and let Nikki play with my hair.
"Woah... That's cool!" He said.
I sat down in front of Tommy who shook up a can of hair spray and began to tease my hair.

I played with my hands out of boredom.
"I'm bored... What do you guys wanna do?" I sighed, "Mm... Truth or dare," Vince said and they went to sit on the floor.

They sat in a circle and Mick was dared to speak in an alien language, "Hi, I'm Mick Mars," he said making us all laugh.

"Okay, you're go Y/N!" Vince said, "Mm... Dare," I said, "Let Nikki kiss you," he wiggled his brows, Nikki went red and I'm pretty sure I did as well.

"Ooh," Tommy chuckled from where he sat behind me.
"Oh whatever," I said, he crawled over, "You sure?" He asked, "You're asking as if you're taking my virginity dude, just kiss me," I said.

"WAIIIIIIT, YOU'RE A VIRGIN?!" They all, except Tommy, yelled in unison.

"Yeah... You think Tommy would let me fuck someone? Hell to the no," I giggled, "No ones cool enough for my little sister, maybe Nikki because..." Tommy smirked and winked at Nikki who rolled his eyes.

Nikki grabbed my jaw softly and kissed me making the boys cheer.
"Go Nikki! Go Nikki!" They cheered making him chuckle as he went back to his spot.

"Is it nearly done yet?!" I groaned making Tommy chuckle. "You've got this much to go," he said showing me the hair, it wasn't much so I sighed and nodded.

He continued teasing my hair and it started to hurt at some stage.
Nikki sat in front of me, resting his arms on his knees and asking me questions to help me forget about it.

"How do you boys do this every time?" I sighed, "We don't have as much hair," Nikki smiled, "Yeahhh, but it fuckin hurts!" I whined.

"Sorry sis," Tommy said and pecked my head.
I pouted and Nikki held my hands, playing with my fingers and he crept a bit closer, he talked to me about some stuff and I had red eyes from holding back.

"This much left bro," Tommy said showing a small strand, I sighed dramatically and he teased that part.

I giggled as Nikki took my hands and helped me up.
I looked like my brother if he had a giant pom pom on his head.
"Damn that's sick!" Nikki said and played with my hair.
"You assholes are brushing this shit," I warned, they shrugged and had Jack Daniels while they watched a program on the TV.

I tripped and fell on Tommy's lap, laughing with him, "Wait, wanna remake our baby photo?" He asked, "Oh god..." I giggled, I turned to sit side on on his lap and smiled with no teeth while Tommy made a face as if he was crying making them laugh.

"If you couldn't tell, he wanted a brother," I giggled making them chuckle.
"But he got this crack head instead, oh noooo," I said and kissed his cheek making him chuckle.

I played with my hair and the boys fell asleep.
I sighed and grabbed my brush, sitting at the window ceal and looking out at the night sky as I began to brush my hair.

"Ow..." I whispered and a loud tear sound was heard as it was wrenched through my poor hair.
I whined and threw my brush out of anger, crossing my arms and huffing.

"Take it easy princess..." The tired voice made me jump. I turned and Nikki was getting ready to stand up, he got up, walked over, kissed my cheek before getting my brush.

He made me wiggle forward so that he could sit behind me.
He began to brush my hair gently, "Slow and steady wins the race..." He hummed, "I'm sorry I fell asleep..." He said, "Its okay," I said.

"Tommy really did a good job..." He said making me giggle. He kissed my scalp a few times as he could tell my pain tolerance was wearing thin, he had his arms around me as he gave it a break for now, I leaned back against his chest and he buried his head in my neck.

"It's getting late..." He said as he nearly finished untangling my hair, "I know, I'm tired," I hummed, he patted his lap, I blushed and crawled closer, sitting on his lap, I sat still as he continued brushing out the teased hair.

"There you go," he smiled and kissed my jaw, I got up and he lead me to the couch, laying me down before getting on the floor.

"Why are you down there?" I mumbled, "It'll be fine," he shrugged, I sat up and grabbed his hands, pulling him up, I laid down and patted my stomach, he chuckled and laid on top of me, "Am I too heavy?" He asked, "No..." I yawned and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

He fell asleep with his lips against my cheek making me blush and slowly fall asleep as well.

"Oohhhh," we heard, Nikki groaned as the sun shone in his eyes, "Hi," he grumbled and crawled off of me, the release of his body making me cold.

I rubbed my eyes.
"We gotta go to the studio... Yay..." My brother groaned making them chuckle.

Nikki stood up and scooped me into his arms, "Come on short ass," he said and carried me outside, "Shut up," I pouted making him chuckle.

He put me in his car and drove down the road, I traced the scars on his hands from the years of his bass playing.
"Your hands are so pretty and soft," I said and kissed his hand, "And really old," I teased, he smiled making me giggle.

I kissed his cheek making him grin, "Go on, don't be cheap with me..." He said, I kissed his cheek again, he pouted, so I kept doing it.

He stopped the car, "I said don't be cheap," he huffed, I rolled my eyes and kissed him softly, "See, that's more like it," he smirked and drove off.

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