Tommy Lee #29 | Broom closet.

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Before Motley.

Your hair was soft and fluffy, I mean, seriously, you looked like a fuckin model.
Soft skin, beautiful plump thighs, the boys always stared at your ASSets and a lot of the time you were cat called.

After leaving a particularly rude blonde boys apartment, you decided to fetch some more equipment.

What's with him anyways? All I did was say I didn't fuck guys with tiny dicks... I've never even fucked in the first place...  You thought, maybe he just didn't like being dickshamed.

You heard moaning coming from the room beside you, oh you have got to be kidding me.
"Fuck being a room service chick..." You huffed.

"As soon as I get my pay check I'm outta here!" You barked in anger and stuffed the dirty laundry into the washer before you had the sudden discovery.

No laundry detergent.

You groaned and stomped upstairs.
God being here sucks...
Moaning, fucking, complaints, cat calls, sexualizing, fuck could you get a break?

You sighed softly and made way to the broom closet, but as you got in there, the lights were off, the door shut behind you from a gust of wind.


You screamed as you heard someone's voice in here.
"Woah woah, my bad, my bad," the man said, "Sorry, I'll just find the lightswitch," he said and you could feel him brush against you.

"Hah... Sorry," he said awkwardly as you both were very close.
He finally found the switch, "Aha!" He said triumphantly and turned it on.

You both squinted and looked at each other.

He was gorgeous...

Fluffy brown hair, teased slightly, a small speckle of stubble growing and he had big brown eyes.

"Woah... Hi," he said, suddenly a love sick teenager.
"Uh... Hi..." You murmured, this was the strangest conversation you'd ever been in.

"I'm Tommy, Tommy Lee," he smiled and held his hand out, you shook it, "And you're... Y/N," he read from the badge on your shirt.

"Yeah... What the fuck were you doing in here anyways?" You asked, "Oh, yeah I'm sorry about that... I was practicing," he said, pointing at the bucket with his drumsticks on them.

"You play drums?" You asked in awe, "Ugh... Well, kinda, but I don't have money for a kit," he sighed.

"That's too bad... I love the drums, they're just cool!" You smiled, "Really?" He asked in shock, a girl liked drums? I mean sure it wasn't that shocking, but he had never met a chick like you.

"Yeah, my big brother was a drummer before he passed," you said, a small bit of your smile falling due to the memories.

"Oh, I'm so sorry..." He said, immediately regretting ever asking, "Oh no, that was my fault for telling you," you chuckled.

"So, Tommy, are you staying here?" You asked, "Yeah, in room 304," he nodded.
Your smile faltered, he noticed, "What?" He asked.

"I just ran into some blondie back there," you said.
"Oh! That's Vince, we went to school together, he's not always the nicest at times... He loves sex, a lot..." Tommy said, emphasizing the word 'lot', "I think I can tell.... I feel kinda bad though," you sighed, mentally slapping yourself.

"For what?" He asked, "I kinda... Said I'm not interested in men with tiny dicks..." You mumbled, he stared at you before bursting out laughing.

"Oh that's funny!" He laughed and held his stomach, "That's real great," he chuckled and ruffled your hair up.

"Yeah... But I mean... I've never... Nevermind," you shook your head.
He stood up fully and bonked his head on the swinging light in the process, "Ow," he said rubbing his head.

"You've never had sex before?" He asked shocked, "No... Why is this such a shock?" You asked, "Well... It's... I... But I thought... But you're so pretty," he said.

"Thank you... I've been getting cat called all night, I don't really want to have sex because of looks you know? I'd rather someone who means something to me," you stated.

"Yeah, I understand," he shrugged, "Well um... Can I see you around?" He asked, "I'm quitting... I'm sick of feeling like a sex figure," you sighed.

"Oh, I understand..." He said.

She opened the door and he walked out after her, taking the drumsticks with him.
"Hey Tommy?" She asked, "Mhm?" He smiled.

"Can you call me, when you get in a cool band, I wanna see what it's like," she smiled, "Y-yeah! Yeah!" He said, flustered as he grabbed a marker and wrote his number on her hand.

"There, call me, or else," he teased, wiggling a finger in her face, she giggled, "Of course I will, I'll see you one day Tommy," she smiled.

Little did she know as she went to her car that night, that she would bump into him in less then a year.

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