Tommy Lee #19 | Backstage.

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Nervous. That's what I was. I was nervous as shit. I was in the audience, looking up at my favourite rock n roll band ever.
Of course, Vince was introducing the boys, when Tommy had his chance, he jumped up the steps and looked into the audience, he spotted me, my heart... Fucking fell out of my chest.
He ran down the steps and knelt down, looking at me and sticking his tongue out.
"I think Tommy's in love man," Vince chuckled, "What's your name sweetheart?" He asked, I couldn't speak, I was just in shock.

A roadie walked over and I told him my name.
When they told them, Vince grabbed his mic, "That is a fucking sick name, don't ya think Tommy?" He asked, Tommy nodded and reached his hand down, I slowly put my hand out and our fingers touched.

I blushed and he grabbed my hand, pulling it making me squeak in shock, he gave it a kiss and tucked in my fingers other the  my rude finger, he licked my middle finger and sucked on it before running to his drums.

Oh... My... God...
Vince laughed and walked back to his spot. "Tommy's a little love sick..." He teased in a sing song matter.

A roadie walked over, "Hey, come with me," he called over the music.
He gently grabbed my hand and took me around before he opened a door that said 'Tommy Lee' in a golden star.

"Wait here for him," he said, I nodded and he walked away.
I fiddled with my hands nervously and nodded along to the music, my favourite song Live Wire.

I bit my lip nervously as I heard footsteps approaching after Vince had thanked everyone, yes I heard everything.

The door opened, there stood, a sweaty, puffing and panting drummer.
"Hi..." That was his first word to me.
"Hello..." I murmured, he walked over and grabbed a towel.
"How'd you enjoy the show?" He asked as he rubbed at his face with the red towel, "It was great..." I said and blushed as I remembered how flirtatious he was, not to mention, he fucking sucked on my middle finger.

"How'd you like the finger job?" He asked, I snorted, "Bro that sounds like were talking about something else," I said making him chuckle as he wiped his chest off with the towel.

"So much sweat..." He said dramatically, "Sounds gross," I smiled, "It is gross, wanna sweaty hug?" He smirked, I squealed as he went to hug me, he pulled away chuckling and went back to drying g the sweat off.

He turned the AC on which spluttered to life, "You're really pretty," he told me. "Oh... Thank you..." I mumbled, "What happened to your arm?" He asked as he grabbed my hand, looking at my scars, "Oh... Y'know..." I shrugged.

He nodded in understanding.
"You're so short up close," he said, I huffed making him chuckle.
"You're way more chill then I expected. So far the girls who come backstage only wanna fuck," he told me.

"Nah... I rank low on that," I giggled, "I mean, I'd fuck you," he said making me laugh, "I love how bold you are, do you ever get nervous expressing yourself?" I asked, "No, not really, if I have to talk about my emotions, yes, otherwise, nope," he shrugged.

"Big bad fluffy drummer," I smiled making him chuckle. "You're a dork," he smiled making me grin.
"I love your eyes," he said staring into my eyes, "Thank you... I like yours too, you look like a chicken," I whispered in his ear making him laugh.

"Thanks," he smiled making me giggle. "I'm just being a shitheads, don't mind me," I smiled, "Oh baby don't worry, I know," he grinned.

We teased each other and he laughed with me.
We had a great fucking time just talking.
When I had to go, I kissed his cheek and wrote my number down, putting it in his jeans pocket.

"Bye Tommy," I smiled, "Bye..." He waved.


I made way to the backstage room and they whistled. "How was it man? Did you fuck her?!" Nikki cackled, "No," I said.

Everyone gasped dramatically, shocked by my answer, I rolled my eyes, "If this was Vince, you'd all drop dead in shock," I said making them laugh while Vince flipped me off.

"He's not wrong," Mick said making Vince huff.
"So what happened kid?" Mick asked.
"We spoke, she had really pretty eyes, and a gorgeous smile..." I sighed and sat down, "Look at this shit," I said showing them the red lipstick mark on my cheek, I then grabbed the number and showed them.

"Wooh!" Vince and Nikki cheered.
"What's with you?" Vince asked Mick who kicked back and flipped his Sunny's on.
"I think Tommy's in love..." He sighed, the two stared at each other and I felt my heart speed up.

Yeah... Maybe it is love...

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