Tommy Lee #49 | Heated Arguments.

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Requested by Nikkisixx_Girl

The other three members of the band had their brows raised in shock as they heard screaming coming from a room.

It was Tommy and Y/N... The two had gotten into a pretty heated argument over some random shit.

Tommy was saying Y/N was holding him back and she exclaimed with fury that she bought him shit since day 1 of Motley days and still does.

"Um... We may need to leave..." Mick murmured, Nikki and Vince quickly agreed and they left the studio for a while.

"You fucking asshole!" They could still hear her from outside so they sped walked down the street to escape it.


"Tommy for fuck sake! I've bought you all the drumsticks your heart could desire! What do you mean I hold you back?!" She yelled, tears of anger rolling down her soft cheeks, "You just do okay?!" He barked.

"Am I not good enough of a friend to you?!" She sniffled, they had been friends since high-school and he was her only friend for a long time.

"... Y/N it's not about friendship!" He snapped, "Then what is it about?! I've bought you everything Tommy! I even fucking bought you a fucking house! Is that not enough?" She huffed, bottom lip trembling slightly.

She was a wealthy lady, she helped the band out and gave them funds to start which they all were very grateful for, Mick showed his gratitude by acknowledging her existence and giving her some of his booze.

"For God sake..." Tommy sighed.

"No tell me!" She screamed, the two went back and forth and he yelled: "Why do you care?! You're not my mother!" He barked, "I fucking love you idiot!" She snapped back, she felt her heart ache as he went to walk out and she grabbed his shoulder to turn him around, he acted out of instinct-

Without thinking his fist connected with her jaw and sent her stumbling back, knocking out a tooth- which thankfully was a baby tooth.

She looked at him with big eyes and the most heart broken face ever.
Someone who she thought was her friend since she was younger had just hit her.

"Y/! No no no no!" He gasped as he ran over to her, grabbing her jaw gently and rubbing his thumb over the bruise as she sobbed on the floor.

"I'm sorry!" He repeated himself like a broken record, rocking her back and forth in his arms as he held her close.

"I love you... I love you I love you I love you!" He sobbed as he held her close, she put her shaking hands on his shoulders and looked up at him.

"You hurt me..." She whimpered in the smallest voice he had ever heard.
"I know and I'm sorry! I'm so fucking sorry! I never meant to lay my hands on you! I'm so sorry!" He pleaded her to believe him.

"I love you Tommy... I fell in love with you and you- you said-" she was cut off by him gently cupping her face.

"I know, I know honey I know... You're not bringing me down... You... Oh my god I'm such an idiot! Y/N you bring me up all the time! You make me feel so loved and I- I'm such a fucking idiot!" He punched his thigh in anger, ignoring the throbbing pain which ensued.

She sniffled and grabbed his hands as he was about to tug at his hair.
"D-dont... Don't want you to," she sobbed, he stopped and quickly held her in his arms.

"Oh my god... Y/N does it hurt?" He asked worriedly and traced it, she shook her head a bit, "Not any more..." She mumbled.

He picked her up and placed on his lap, hugging her close and burying his nose in her hair.
"I love you... I love you," he whispered, "I love you too..." She mumbled.

"Never fight again... Never," he promised and crossed her pinky with his, "Mhm," she nodded and kissed his cheek.

Weeks passed and the bruise went away, the two were a lot better now and were back to their own ways.

They all went quiet when she fell when the four (Mick wasn't joining in) we're having a pillow fight.

She cheered loudly and attacked them with her pillow making them laugh as they got her back.

Mick simply smirked a bit in the corner.

All is well...

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