Vince Neil #3 | Tummy.

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You had been in pain a lot for the last months of your pregnancy. Your little boy had kicked and had what felt like temper tantrums in your stomach.

Many nights you woke up crying and Vince had to ease you, talking to your son which always worked.

On this particular day though, you were in public, your hand in Vinces as you walked around.

"Vincey?" You mumbled quietly, "Yes baby?" He asked, massaging your hand, he never used to like you saying that but as you cry during your pregnancy if you don't let him, he finally gave in and is now used to it.

"My tummy hurts... I wanna to home..." You mumbled, hugging him, "Okay babe, let's go," he said and took your hand, leading you gently down the steps and taking you to the car.

As you made it home he sat in front of you and you whimpered as you stood in front of him.
He rolled your shirt up and kissed your tummy.
"Hey baby, it's daddy again, I know you're not gonna like it, but you have to be gentle to mummy, we love you so much beautiful, just calm down a little... For mummy and daddy?" He asked your tummy and gently placed you on his lap, massaging your stomach which always felt heavenly considering how tight the skin was stretched.

You cuddled into him and he rubbed your back.
He took your bra off for you as it brought you back pain and placed it beside him as he gently kissed your cheek.

"I love you," he smiled, "I love you too Vinny," you smiled back and kissed his jaw.

"My tummy feels better, I love you," you giggled, "Glad to hear it, and I love you more," he hummed. "Not possible," you said, "Mm, is when I'm the lead singer of Motley Crue, are you?" He asked, "No but-" he cut you off by putting his fingers against your lips, "Then no, no you don't, I love you the best, and I'm good at loving," he smiled making you giggle.

You laid over his lap as he massaged your tummy.
"Be a good boy for daddy, mummy doesn't like the kicking, it hurts mummy," he told the little guy, you smiled and played with Vince's bushy blonde hair making him grin up at you as he looked up your shirt, you gasped and pushed his face away making him chuckle.

"I love my babies so much," he smiled and rested the side of his face on your tummy, "We love you too," you smiled and rubbed his shoulder.

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