Nikki Sixx #37 | 'Sexy' scar.

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A deep insecurity bubbles away at the girl who fakes a smile, the one who always leaves early to get home, to look after her 'cat'.

However, that wasn't the case at all. She has a son, the girl is only twenty one, two years younger then Nikki, her best friend.

However, she gave birth when she was 17, making her son four years old this year.
She'd do anything for that boy, and she'd work her ass off just to get him something he wants.

Nikki frowned, with each passing year, the more stressed and afraid she got.
She was such a young mother, raising a baby alone and breaking down whenever her son was asleep.

The band didn't know about the baby, she didn't want them to judge her, or call her a freak.
One day however, Nikki slammed his fist against the chair and got up as he saw her walk in with red eyes.

"Okay! I've had enough!" He barked making everyone jump.
He walked over, grabbing her face gently with his hands.

"What the fuck is happening?" He asked, she looked at him with confusement.
"You, every day you leave early, you come back with red eyes, then you say you need to look after your cat... Y/ someone hurting you?" He frowned.

"No... It's..." She sighed.

"I didn't want to tell anyone... You'd think I'm a freak..." She mumbled, "We'd never!" Vince gasped, offended she'd think such a thing, "I... I have a four year old at home," she muttered, "You what?!" They all yelled.

"I know..." She said.

"I-" Nikki said in total shock.

"It's complicated..." She said.

"Let me take you home," Nikki offered, "But I just got here..." She frowned, "Come on," he said ignoring her and taking her hand, walking her down the road to her apartment.

As they got there, the baby sitter was confused to see her come home early.
"Hey..." She said awkwardly, fumbling for money, Nikki paid for the service and locked the door once they had left.

"I'm sorry... For not understanding," Nikki said, "No... No Nikki that's my fault, I should of told you guys," she said and lightly brushed her thumb over his cheek.

A small boy walked in.
"Is this your son?" Nikki asked in awe, "Yes, his name is Mason," she smiled.

"Hi Mason," Nikki said as he knelt down, the little boy looked up at him, "Mummy, mummy is he gonna be my new daddy?" The little boy asked.

They both blushed and Nikki picked him up.
"I don't know about that sweetie," she said and played with his hair.

"But mummy!" He whined, "Mummy I like him," he said cuddling into his arms.

"You just met him," she chuckled, "He fuffy!" He pouted and played with his black hair, "Aww," Nikki chuckled.

Nikki planted a kiss on Mason's head, smiling as the little boy looked up at him, "Can you be my daddy, please?" He begged, "I don't know sweetie," he said.

"Aw..." He said, looking down, really sad before he began crying.

"Oh sweetie..." She said softly, she looked at Nikki silently asking.

"Yes kiddo, I can be your daddy," Nikki said as he gently rocked him, "Really?" He asked looking up at Nikki in awe, "Yes really," Nikki smiled softly.

"Daddy!" He cheered and cuddled into his neck.
Nikki's gonna protect this little boy with all his heart...

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