Vince Neil #39 | Doll-face.

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"Hey, how ya doin' doll face?" Vince smirked, that damn smirk, I just wanted to wipe it off his face, he always teased me for that little crush I had on him back when we were in high school, claiming I'm still in love with him, the problem is, he's not wrong...

"Just great..." I sighed, not really answering his question, it was more a sarcastic response of annoyance.

I looked over at him and shook my head, watching as he ran his hand over his leather clad torso, probably teasing me.

"Not the time Vince," I told him as I had work to do.

"Aww, don't wanna see lil ol' me?" He pouted, I rolled my eyes and walked off, "Fall out of love?" He cackled, "Yeah!" I called back, though that was a fat lie.

I waltzed my way into the hotels large ball room, no idea why they even have one, plus, why Motley Crue can just walk in at any moment, especially given the chances that they'd most likely destroy something, or put cocaine over the gorgeous lilac table cloths.

I sighed and began dressing the tables, placing table mats and sets of knives and forks down, making sure coasters were available in case anyone wanted drinks, which was almost a definite.

This ball is going to be the death of me, I hate social events.
My anxiety goes through the roof, even if just one pair of eyes follow me I get anxious and feel quezy to my gut, but Doug and Doc insisted on me coming along, saying it'd be great for my mental health, yeah, or there pockets.

I opened the kitchen door with the key and began writing things down, sticking them up on the metal beds where food would be placed for a waiter/waitress to come along and scoop it up.

"You going to the ball?" Someone asked.

I jumped fifty feet or so in the air.
Turning and sighing as it was just Mick.

"Don't do that! You gave me a fuckin heart attack!" I sighed, "Yeah... I'm being forced to go," I said, walking towards him.

"Why?" He asked, "They said it would be great for my mental health," I mumbled, "Never know," he shrugged and gently nudged my arm.

"You guys aren't good for my mental health," I smiled making him chuckle.
"I know, the calling of the wild made you this way," he said and snarled, making a funny growl sound making me giggle.

"You're damn lucky you guys rock, or I'd whoop your asses to kingdom come," I said walking out of the ballroom, "Yeah yeah," he said, waving as he went his own way and I went mine, getting ready for the ball.

I had the perfect dress.

It was black, made of leather and made my curves look great.

I slipped it on, staring at myself in the mirror before I added accessories, sliding lace gloves on, a black necklace and making my way down, seeing the hallway crowded with people expecting to be at the ball.

I made my way through, my heart already pounding out of my chest as I squeezed passed everyone and made my way through to the ballroom.

That darn blonde, why did he have to look so good? In a suit, leather, whatever it was he looked insatiable and delicious.

I kept my eyes off of him as best as possible, keeping to a corner and trying to back away from everyone, awkwardly throwing smiles just so people would stop looking my way.

I heard Tommy and Nikki getting closer, everyone's voice growing louder.
"Hey," Tommy said, "Sorry..." I mumbled and quickly dashed out of the room, opening the back door and running down the concrete steps, sitting on the last one and pressing my hands to my face, breathing heavily and listening to the swaying trees to calm my emotions.

Damn anxiety...


I turned and saw Vince at the top of the steps, I wiped my eyes and looked up at him, "Hey..." I murmured back, he walked down slowly, gently sitting beside me.

"You okay?" He asked me, I nodded my head, "You looked like a deer in headlights back there," he said, a small chuckle in his voice, I put my head down, noticing his laughter coming to an end.

"Oh come on... I didn't mean it like that," he said softly and gently rubbed my back, butterflies rumbling in my stomach.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, just sitting in relaxation once my heartbeat stopped going off the rails.

I rested my forehead against his shoulder, smiling as he rubbed my waist up and down very gently.

"You look beautiful by the way," he said softly, "Thanks... Vince, you look great too," I mumbled.

"Ready to head in?" He asked, I sighed softly, "I suppose..." I murmured and hopped up with him, he held my hand as we went back inside, though we kept walking.

"Where are we going?" I asked softly, "Shh, don't worry," he said and took me upstairs, we arrived at his room, it was surprisingly neat and smelt like mint and Cologne in here.

"Let's just sit in here til it's over," Vince said, "But you had to-" he cut me off by putting his hand over my mouth, "You talk to much, hush," he smiled, I rolled my eyes making him chuckle as he played with my hair.

"Still messy I see," he said, "Can't help it, I can never have great hair, some of us aren't gifted, Vincent," I scoffed making him chuckle.

"You still look sexy, messy or neat," he smirked, "Oh? Now you're teasing me again, great," I nodded.

"I'm not teasing, I'm saying the truth," he said, "Mhm, sure," I nodded, not believing a word he said.

"Don't believe me?" He asked, I shook my head, he moved closer, and closer, and closer, so close our lips were touching, "This prove it?" He asked as he gently pressed his lips to mine, I was shocked at first, before I blended into the moment.

I put my arms around his shoulders as our mouths moved in sync, we weren't making out, it was just soft kissed that left both of us feeling warm inside.

He pulled away, much to both of our dismay.

"I love you..." He said softly, "I love you too Vince," I smiled, he smirked, "See? I knew you still loved me," he said, "Shut up and kiss me, you stupid rockstar," I scoffed and grabbed him by the collar, we fell back onto his bed and kissed our night away.

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