Mick Mars #26 | Burning anger.

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Pent up anger never went well for anyone in the long run.

It makes you do crazy things, it stressed you out, it makes you lose people, it also causes your self control to steepen.

Mick was at the table reading a magazine, Vince at the couch watching TV with Tommy, both of which bored out of their minds while Nikki was in the study area writing a new hit song.

However, their roommate was a girl, who happened to be at work right now.
She was sweet, she let them crash when they needed somewhere to go, and she lovingly accepted them, it was only going to be for a bit until they got money but they all grew attached so they were fine with staying together.

As she got home, she huffed and puffed, clearly a bad day at work.
"Hi bestie, how was work?" Tommy asked, speaking softer the  usual as he could tell she was angry.

"Just... Really shit!" She huffed, "What happened?" Nikki hummed, not really looking as he droned over his work.

"Some stuff," she said and went to make a coffee for Mick as his cup was empty.
He loved her coffees so he usually made them for him.

She struggled to get the coffee maker to work, out of anger she grabbed the nearest glass and threw it at the cupboard, it shattering and breaking into a million pieces.

Everyone went dead silent and stared at her, she had never gotten violent like that before...
"Sorry, sorry... I'll clean it," she sighed and was so close to having a break down, evident in her voice.

"Y/N, come on what happened sweetie?" Vince asked softly, she shook her head, biting back tears as she sweeped up the broken glass.

She went up to her room and closed the door before her.
"I've never seen her do that before..." Tommy said in shock, "Neither," Vince and Nikki said shaking their heads.

"I'll go check," Mick sighed.

He had deep feelings for her, but he never shared them, in fears of her rejecting an old man like himself.

He didn't knock, he simply opened the door slightly, the sight in front of him made his heart shatter, on the bed she was laying on her stomach, head in her pillow as she bawled her eyes out.

He walked over after closing the door and lightly placed his hand on her back, she gasped, hitching slightly as she turned her head to look at him.

"Oh... Come here baby," he said softly and climbed into the bed, she sniffled and hugged him, "What's the matter?" He hushed and brushed her hair out of her face.

"I got fired... It doesn't even make sense," she hiccupped and shook his arms, "Oh baby..." He hushed and kissed her head, his soft lips pecked her forehead a thousand times if not more.

"I'm so sorry..." He hummed and massaged her lower back lightly. "What happened?" He hummed.

"My boss lady Rita said I look like a fat cow," she sobbed, "Oh to hell with her!" He barked, squeezing her close, "I love you so much, so much," he said and brushed at her tears, "And you're the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen," he sighed.

She blushed slightly, shocked from his confession. "I didn't want to tell you, as I'm... A dirty old man," he mumbled.

She kissed him softly, shutting him up, "I love you too," she hummed and smiled as he chuckled and pecked her cheek.

"Come on, we can talk about it all together..." He said, she nodded and so they went down stairs together.

"What happened?!" Vince gasped and hugged her, she was like his best friend other then the three in the band.

"My boss fired me because I'm a fat cow," she mumbled.

"What?!" They all yelled, "Fuck her! Fuckin cow can rot in hell," Tommy huffed and grabbed food out of the oven, putting it on a rack before grabbing a plate, he put it on the plate and walked over.

Her favourite Greek meal, he made it just for her.
"Here you go," he smiled, "Thank you, thank you guys," she giggled.

"I'm sorry for breaking the cup and all," she said, "Girl, I would too, probably much worse," Nikki said and chuckled, she giggled and hugged them all, "I'm still easily the tallest," she said as she was quite the opposite, "Mhm," Tommy smiled making her giggle as they let her believe it just for this moment.

As they sat at the couch, she ate her food while Mick rubbed her thigh lightly.
Nikki raised his brows at him and he nodded.

"YEAHHH!" He cheered making everyone to jump seen as it was quiet.
"They're dating now!" He giggled.

"YEAAHHH!" They yelled, Mick looked at her and she giggled, "They're so dumb," they said together and laughed.

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