Vince Neil #6 | Tears?

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Vince walked down the hallway, his long blond hair swaying around as he went downstairs.
He heard the sounds of a woman crying, it sounded like she was in pain as she was coughing a lot as well.

He jogged and turned the corner, seeing a very pregnant woman holding a railing. "Ma'am, are you okay?" He asked, "I'm okay..." She whimpered.

"What's the matter?" He asked softly, "My boyfriend broke up with me and told me to abort him... I don't know what to do," she sobbed.

He walked a little closer, "Can I touch?" He asked, she nodded so he gently brought his hand to her stomach.

"How far along are you?" He asked, "8 months," she said, "Aww, do you have a name in mind?" He smiled, "Eric," she smiled a little, "Aww, I'm sure Eric is gonna love his mother very much," he said softly, she giggled and he wiped her tears away.

"Do you want to hang out with me and the boys? We won't do anything weird, I promise, I'll protect you," he winked making her giggle.

"Okay..." She said and he took her hand in his, slowly walking up the stairs with her. "That's it..." He smiled and she squeezed his hand as she was exhausted.

"Sorry..." She said and panted, "You're right, take your time love," he said and rubbed her belly, she took a deep breath and walked the rest of the way.

"Good girl," he smiled and gently rubbed her tummy as he walked her to his apartment.
"I'll make sure the boys aren't smoking, wait here," he smiled, she nodded and he walked in.

"Tommy, put out that fag, a pregnant lady is here," he scolded, and so he came back and guided her in.

"Who's this?" Mick asked, "What's your name love?" Vince asked, "Y/N," she said, "Nice to meet you," Nikki said and shook her hand, she smiled and said the same and Vince helped her sit down.

"How far along are you, if you don't mind me asking?" Tommy asked, "Course not, I'm 8 months along," she said, "Aww, can I feel?" He asked, she nodded and he gently touched her stomach, "Is it a boy or a girl?" He smiled, "Little boy," she smiled.

"Aww he kicked!" He cooed making her giggle.
"So what's his name gonna be?" Mick asked, "I'm thinking of Eric," she told them.

"Eric, that's a cute name," Nikki said, "Gay?" She asked making them chuckle, "No for your kid, you stupid," he chuckled making her smile brightly.

Vince sat beside her and rubbed her arm as she put her backpack on her lap.
"Do you have any baby things?" He asked, "No, I did but then my now ex chucked them out," she said, she looked like she was getting sad again, he kissed her cheek and put her hair up.

"Well screw him, he sucks!" He huffed making her smile. "Ohh! We three should go! Mick can be on guard!" Tommy said, "Deal," Vince said, "You okay to stay here?" Vince asked, she nodded, "We'll be back soon, okay?" He smiled.

Mick held a conversation  with her. "I have kids, I know what to do," Mick said, "Your first kid?" He asked, "Yeah... I'm kinda lucky to not have too much pain," she smiled.

"Very lucky, you hungry?" He asked, "A little," she said.
"What will your weird meal of choice be?" He asked.

"Pickles and cheese," she pleaded, "God that's weird, but youre in luck!" He smiled.
She giggled and waited on the couch while he made a large bowl.

"I tried to make it look appetizing but it's kinda gross..." He said as he pinched his nose and handed it to her, she giggled, "Thank you," she smiled and ate her food while Mick put the TV on.

The guys came back and Vince sat beside her.
"Look what we found!" He smirked and showed her a Motley crue onesie, she held it and giggled, "He's gonna look so cute in this," she smiled.

"I agree," he said and held her hand as she looked at the other stuff.


A month passed and it was her birthday, the boys celebrated with her and she giggled as they clapped.

She blew the candles out, "Old fart," Nikki said putting his arm around her shoulder making her giggle.

They all had cake and Vince rubbed her tummy gently as he sat beside her.

A few hours later and it was night time, she felt like her stomach and chest were being squeezed, she put her hand lovingly on her stomach and sighed.

Her green eyes shone in the light as she began to panic.
"Vince?" She asked, he hummed, "Can you help me up?" She pouted, he nodded and took her hands gently, guiding her up and grabbing her waist gently.

She went to the bathroom and sat in the corner, rocking slightly before she felt a huge release.

She looked down and it looked like she peed herself?
Did she?

Sorry... Anyways.

She began to panic, someone knocked, "Y/N?" Mick asked, "Come in," she pleaded, he walked in and noticed, "Oh shit..." He said and gently helped her up.

"I'll get Vince to help you change and then I'll call an ambulance, okay?" He asked, she nodded and called for Vince, he came rushing and sat her on the closed toilet.

"Lift your legs up off the floor," he said, she did as told and he took her pants off, he looked away as he took her underwear off and gently put on the other pants.

"Come on, we'll wait together in the lounge," he said softly, she walked around (kinda like Ozzy Osbourne), hunched over and hand on her stomach, he helped her down and the boys all sat with her trying to calm her down.

The ambulance arrove and asked questions. "Can we just go?" She almost screamed in pain, they pushed her out to the ambulance and drove off.

"I want Vince..." She begged the paramedics, they called him and as she wheeled into a room she was panicking.

"I can't," she said sobbing as they helped her undress.
"I know honey, he's coming soon," The old lady said softly, "He'll be here, it's okay..." She said and put the gown over her.

As she was helped to lay down, she sobbed in pain.
"We'll do the needle when he's here, okay?" She asked, she nodded.

As he came running he held her hand and helped her sit as they got the needle.
"I know... Stay still," Vince said softly and kissed her forehead.

She winced as they did the needle before laying back down.
Vince held her hand which was being crushed to death as she screamed in pain.
"I know, I know, you're doing so well baby," he said softly and kissed her hand.

She heard crying so she sighed in relief.
"Hey baby..." She said weakly as the little boy was placed on her chest.

"We're going to wash him now if that's okay?" The sweet lady asked, she nodded and they took him away.

When he came back he had his umbilical chord still.
"Vincey? Do you want to do the honours?" She smiled, he gaped at her before nodding.

He cut it off and gently dressed him.
"Aww, he's so cute," he chuckled and gently placed him on her chest.

She smiled and kissed his head. "I love you," she told her son.
"Mummy loves you baby..." She said and wiped her tears away.

"Can you get the others?" She asked, he walked out and they walked in after him.
They cooed as the little boy wiggled in her arms.
"Little Eric, so cute!" Tommy cooed and gently poked his nose, she smiled and he opened his eyes, piercing green eyes staring into hers.

"Aww, he's got your eyes!" Vince smiled, she smiled and gently passed the baby around.

Mick was a pro, he rocked the little boy and hushed him gently.
As he fell asleep he handed him back to her and she smiled.

After a while, Vince held her hand as they sat on the couch with the now 8 month old.

"I... I know this is stupid... But I really like you... I feel bad for the fact you don't have a father figure for him... I was wondering... If I could help?" He asked.

She blushed and smiled, kissing him softly, "I love you Vince, of course," she smiled, he grinned and kissed her again.

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