Vince Neil #2 | Blondie.

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Summary-  Your boyfriend (Not Vince as of now) left you alone in a bar and decided to grind against other girls while you had to fetch your own ride home.

My eyes darted across the room as I searched for my boyfriend. That stupid brunette...
He's always leaving me by myself and doing God knows what.

My hips swayed as I walked down the alley of drunk people standing around.
I saw him grinding against girls on the dance floor.

This is the last time...

I walked over and grabbed his collar, "We're over, go fuck yourself dick face," I said and slapped him in the face before storming off.

I heard someone wolf whistle, I turned my head and saw a blondie, he smirked at me, I think? And had sunglasses on.

I shrugged it off and made my way to my friend John who was behind the bar.

I sat on the stool and had a drink of water, I don't drink, I'm too damn much of a lightweight.

My now ex tried rubbing me up, "Get off of me!" I yelled and whacked at his chest but he continued doing what I really didn't want him to do.

"John!" I yelled, he ran in, "Get out!" John yelled and the two argued.

Things got heated and a brawl started, I had to pull John off of him.

"Well... There goes my Friday out," I said, we giggled together and John gave him one last kick while he just laid there dying.

I saw the blonde again, he looked over, his sunglasses now on top of his head, he winked at me and waved me over.

"I'll be back," I sighed.

He went back to serving while I walked to the man.
"Hey sweetheart, my name is Vince," he said holding his hand out, "I know who you are blondie," I said shaking his hand.

"Well care to tell me your name then?" He hummed, "Y/N," I said and my hand slid out of his.

"Come sit down doll," he said patting his lap, "Why would I wanna sit on you?" I smiled, "On me or the others, they won't bite," he smirked.

I grumbled and slid onto his lap, "So what do you do?" Nikki asked me, "I write, songs... Books, that stuff," I said.

"Oh, nice, I'm a bit like that, mostly songs though," he agreed, smiling as well.

"You sure you can't make a bit of room?" I asked, "Positive," Vince said, I rolled my eyes.

"So why did you call me over?" I asked, "Thought you were pretty, plus you don't look like a slut... Unless you are?" He questioned, "I hope not, my ex is more of a slut," I said and he played with my hair.

"Did he cheat?" Mick asked, "Yeah, kinda used to it, I've had only 2 boyfriends but the one before Jake cheated as well so..." I shrugged.

"I'm a whore," Tommy said, I snorted, "You said that not me!" I said putting my hands up in defence making them chuckle.

Vince grabbed a notebook and wrote things down from behind me, I watched as he wrote, "Hey you have similar hand writing as me," I said.

"Mm?" He hummed in concentration and scribbled stuff down

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"Mm?" He hummed in concentration and scribbled stuff down.
"Hehe, she's sticky? From what?" I smirked, "Oh shut the fuck up," he smirked making me giggle.

He patted his leg up and down as he concentrated, I giggled as I went with his leg, they snickered along and I laughed my ass off.

"What?" Vince asked, "Stop moving your legs," I giggled, "Oh, my bad," he chuckled making me giggle more.

"She slaps you on the ass?" I asked him, "She is metaphorical," Vince said, "Butt cheeks," I giggled, "Are you drunk?" Mick asked.

"Honey no! Im sober! Imagine me when I am drunk!" I said making them chuckle, "I don't drink often anyways, I'm a lightweight which sucks mega dog cock," I said, "What's wrong with you?" Vince asked with a smile, "For starters I'm on blondies lap," I said poking his nose, "You can get up any time you want princess," he said, "Just means you gotta stand," he told me.

"Nah fuck that," I said and pressed my elbows on the table as I read his lyrics.
"You're good with words, my songwriting looks like ass," I yawned dramatically, "I'm sure it doesnt," Tommy said.

"Wait, what's your last name?" Nikki asked, "Y/L/N," I smiled.

"I knew I knew you!" He gasped, "What?" Mick asked, "She's an author! She's the one that wrote 'Diamond Eyes', guys!" He squealed and started fangirling.

"Oh come on, I'm not that cool, I wrote it yeah but calm down," I giggled, "BE VINCE'S WIFE!" He yelled making me laugh.

They all laughed along and I giggled, "Yeah Vince, wanna get married?" I asked, "Fuck... Sure," he shrugged and shook my hand.

"See? We just got married," I said.

"Kiss the groom then," Tommy giggled, "Yeah, kiss the groom," Vince smirked.

"Isn't it kiss the bride?" I asked, "Don't be a pussy," they all booed.
I kissed him before getting his notebook and gently whacking his head making him chuckle.

"Ooh, someone likes me," he teased, "Mm, you wish lover boy," I smirked.

"Ooh, a player!" Vince gasped.
"Says you," I said and the music stopped.

"Alright everyone, it's getting late, time to hit the road," an employee yelled across the bar.

Many groaned before leaving.
"Well, need a ride?" Vince asked, "Sure..." I mumbled.

"So, where ya headed?" He asked, taking my hand and walking outside with me.
"I don't know really, my ex kinda has the keys and shit so," I shrugged.

"Eh, crash with us," he suggested.

"Aye boys!" He called, "What?" Tommy whined, "Y/N's riding with us!" He said and handed me a helmet, "Cool!" Nikki said and sped off on his bike.

"Scared of bikes?" Vince asked, "Nope," I said and got on the back, he sat in the front and sped off down the road, I clung onto him loosely and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Hey, darlin were home," he said, I groaned dramatically and got up, taking the damn helmet off and dragged my feet against the ground.

"God that's annoying," Vince said and picked me up, "Ughhhhhhhh," I groaned and fell limp  in his arms.

"Women..." Mick said, "Are what you can't get!" I said as I jumped down and wiggled my butt at them and cackled as I ran from Vince who chased me around.

"Ow! Come on man!" I whined as I ran into a door, he laughed and I pouted, shit my lip hurts.

I looked at the door and a line of blood was there.
I turned to him and huffed.
"Oh, you poor baby," he said and picked me up, "Note to self, never leave this idiot alone," he said.

"Heyyyy!" I whined making him chuckle before getting a tissue, he put me on the bench and dabbed at my lip.
"And a kiss to make it feel better!" Tommy yelled, "Oh shu-" Vince cut me off and pecked my lips gently, "Ooh!" They all yelled, I rolled my eyes and he chuckled.

"Still a blondie," I said, "Yeah yeah," he said and helped me off of the counter.
"Don't fuck too loud," Mick said, "Oh go fuck yourself old hag," I said flipping him off making them all laugh.

He rolled his eyes making me giggle.

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