Vince Neil #13 | Looks that kill.

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"God... thank god that's done!" Nikki said as they finished recording for the music video: 'Looks that kill'.

"I know right!" Tommy agreed as he marched over to the sidewalk, brushing his main out of his face.

"Well, how about we ditch this place...?" Vince suggested, "I know where I'm going, I'm going straight to the record store," Mick said as he unlocked his car, "Cool!" Tommy said getting on his bike.

So that's where they decided to go for the rest of their afternoon.
Vince had his bag of records, the bag sitting on his lap as he sat outside.

It felt as if 'Looks that kill' started playing in his head as he spotted a beautiful girl, she came riding on her Harley Davidson motorbike, her hair calmed down once the bike went off and she stepped off of it.

"Good records?" She asked him, "Yeah... You're the first chick I've seen on a bike," Vince said. "Is that a bad thing?" She asked, "No! No of course not! It's pretty hot," he smirked.

She chuckled and sat beside him. "I saw you at a show a few nights ago, you guys rocked," she smiled.

"You did?!" He asked shocked, "Yeah man, I was in the front, I'm a short ass though so you probably didn't see me," she chuckled making him laugh.
"Sounds about right," he laughed with her.

"You know what's funny, when I saw you ride in here I thought of 'Looks that Kill'," he smiled, "Really?" She asked, "Yeah, you're pretty smokin," he said, "Ha! I'm not smokin in the boys room though," she smiled making him laugh as he clapped.

"I'd invite you in my boys room anytime," he winked, "I'd have to take you up on that offers some time, for now, I need to get my brother that Deep Purple album or he's gonna have my ass," she grinned and ruffled his hair up as she walked inside.

He sat there with a hammering heart, then Mick walked out. "What's with you?" He asked, "Dude! There was this hot chick! And she drove here on that!" Vince said pointing at the Harley.

"Good taste," Mick nodded. "Why thank you," she said coming out with her album.
"You wouldn't mind coming to the restaurant with us would you?" Mick asked, "Mm, sure! I'll have to race home though," she said, "Bye all means," he shrugged, shooting a wink at Vince who rolled his eyes.

She put her sunglasses on, "Bye boys, I'll see ya tonight," she smiled, "You don't know what time?" Vince asked, "Late at night, I know that," she grinned, waving as she hopped on her bike and sped off down the road.

"Damn she's hot!" Vince said making him chuckle.

As if the universe was right. She came the same time Vince did... Not like that- I mean at the restaurant- you... DIRTY DIRTY!

She put her sunglasses on her head and Vince held her waist as they walked into the restaurant. "You are a dork," She grinned up at him, "Oh ho... Watch it you," he grinned as they sat down together.

"How old are ya?" Tommy asked her, "Same as you, the other three are old," she smiled at him making the other three laugh and flip her off.

"Turn around and sit on it!" She smirked and got them back making them laugh.

"I like you kid," Mick said, "See? He knows what's up!" She said and fist pumped him.

The end of the night, Vince held her waist as she sat sideways on her bike.
"I'm sure I'll see you again lover boy," she smiled, leaning her forehead on his and moving his hair out of his face.

"Meet me backstage, at the show," he said passing a ticket over. "I could never say no," she smiled and kissed him softly.

"Bye rockstar," she smirked, "Bye... Biker," he blushed, she giggled and rode off, she's the only girl that's made him act silly like that...

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