Vince Neil #14 | Worth more.

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It was late at night, your roommates were none other then Motley Crue.
When you were asked if they could crash with you, you accepted.
You actually freaked the fuck out when you saw the four rockers walk into the place.
Their part of the house, meaning, lounge room and beer room was disgusting, including their bedrooms.

You had the pride and joy of having your room being nice and clean and you always cooked dinner seen as they were either busy, lazy or just can't cook.

You laid on your bed trying to sleep, but no matter how much you tossed and turned, you got not a blinks worth of rest.
You sighed softly, before hearing sounds like coughing and aggressive inhaling, kind of like a sob.

You got out of bed and it was coming from Vince's room.
You looked down the hall to see Tommy.

You walked over, "Hey shortie," he smiled, "Hi... Is Vince okay? I can hear sobbing from his room," you mumbled.

He walked over and put his ear to the door, frowning as he heard the sound.
He walked back over to you, "I don't know man, I'll check," he said and knocked before walking in.

You waited, and a few minutes later Tommy walked out.
"He's sad, he wants to see you," he said.


You made way into his room, dodging the beer cans and pieces of paper that mostly contained lyrics.

You closed the door behind yourself and walked over.
"Come here please..." He said sitting up, rubbing his eyes, you walked over.

"What's the matter Vince?" You asked, playing with his blonde hair, you loved the boys hair but Vince's was your favourite, so vibrant and soft.

"Do you like me only for my looks?" He asked, his soft pink lips in a small pout as tears ran down his face. "No of course not," you said scuttling over.
"I'm sick of people thinking of me as a quick fuck. Or a way to get someone jealous. I'm sick of being so curvy and girly looking, I'm sick of being so god damn feminine!" He said, throwing his hands into his lap in defeat.

"Vincey..." You sighed, "I think you're pretty, I think you're gorgeous, I think you're smart, you've got beautiful eyes, soft fluffy hair and a pretty smile," you smiled.

"And the looks that kill," you smiled, he giggled a bit, you put your arms around his shoulders and hugged him.
"Y/N?" He asked softly.

"Mhm?" You hummed, "Can you stay here the night? I want to be held..." He murmured, almost shyly, "Of course Vincey," you said, "Only you can call me that..." He chuckled softly.

You smiled and kissed his nose, "Now no more crying or you're gonna make me cry!" You pouted and blinked as you started tearing up, he smiled slightly and kissed both of your hands.

"Thank you baby doll, I appreciate it," he said softly.
You smiled and nodded.
"Now lay your big butt down so I can turn out the light," you said, he chuckled and laid down, you crawled over him, nearly falling off the bed, you squeaked and clung to his hips making him chuckle, "Shush," you smiled and made way to the light, turning it off, "Where are you?" You giggled walking over.

"Ow fuck," you whispered as you stepped on a can, he laughed, he had such a cute laugh, you giggled along and moved your hands around blindly.
"Murder in the dark..." You said trying to find him, he saw your silhouette and grabbed you by the waist, dragging you down making you squeak.

"Vinny! You could of warned me!" You giggled, "Where's the fun in that?!" He huffed making you giggle.

"You're so lucky you're my favourite singer in the whole wild world," you smiled as you rested your head on his chest, "Oh yeah?" He asked, you nodded, "You're my favourite girl in the whole world," he said, "Really? I'm flattered," you said making him chuckle.

He kissed your forehead softly. "I love you... I've loved you since we met... Remember when Mick was being a gentleman and I was trying to hit on you and he whacked me over the head?" He asked making you giggle, "I remember, remember when you were talking to me about music and then out of no where Nikki goes 'Vince, shut the fuck up, she doesn't care' and I'm like, 'Nikki, shut the fuck up, no one cares you exist' and Tommy was pissing himself laughing while Mick shook his head in disappointment," you smiled making him laugh.

"I was so proud of you at that moment, like 'yes, my dream girlfriend is a badass'," he said.

"Vincey?" You asked, he hummed, "I love you too," you smiled.

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